bolt bar

bolt bar
задрайка для закрывания люка

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "bolt bar" в других словарях:

  • bolt — bolt1 [bōlt] n. [ME & OE, akin to Ger bolzen < IE base * bheld , to knock, strike] 1. a short, heavy, often blunt arrow shot from a crossbow 2. a flash of lightning; thunderbolt 3. a sudden dash or movement 4. a sliding bar for locking a door …   English World dictionary

  • bolt — [n1] lock; part of lock bar, brad, catch, coupling, dowel, fastener, lag, latch, lock, nut, padlock, peg, pin, pipe, rivet, rod, screw, skewer, sliding bar, spike, stake, staple, stud; concepts 470,471,680 Ant. key bolt [n2] flash; projectile… …   New thesaurus

  • Bolt Thrower — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Bolt Thrower es una banda de death metal de Coventry, Inglaterra. Se formaron en 1986 y lanzaron su primer álbum con el sello Vinyl Solution en 1988. Entonces cambiaron a un nuevo sello discográfico, Earache Records …   Wikipedia Español

  • bolt — ► NOUN 1) a long metal pin with a head that screws into a nut, used to fasten things together. 2) a bar that slides into a socket to fasten a door or window. 3) the sliding piece of the breech mechanism of a rifle. 4) a short, heavy arrow shot… …   English terms dictionary

  • bar — 1 / bär/ n often attrib 1 a: the railing in a courtroom that encloses the area around the judge where prisoners are stationed in criminal cases or where the business of the court is transacted in civil cases compare bench 1, dock …   Law dictionary

  • bar — [n1] rod; straight length of material batten, billet, boom, crossbar, crosspiece, ingot, lever, paling, pig, pole, rail, rib, rule, shaft, slab, spar, spoke, stake, stick, streak, strip, stripe, stroke; concepts 470,471 bar [n2] barrier; blockage …   New thesaurus

  • bolt — index abscond, assemblage, bar (hinder), escape, impede, lock, race, renege, retreat …   Law dictionary

  • Bolt manufacturing process — The bolt manufacturing process consists of three stages: * Heading * Thread rolling * Blackening Heading This initial process is a cold forging process (called heading ) used to produce a near net shape work billet. An important consideration in… …   Wikipedia

  • bolt — bolt1 bolter, n. boltless, adj. boltlike, adj. /bohlt/, n. 1. a movable bar or rod that when slid into a socket fastens a door, gate, etc. 2. the part of a lock that is shot from and drawn back into the case, as by the action of the key. 3. any… …   Universalium

  • bar — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. barrier, obstacle; barroom (See drinking); hurdle; legal profession, court, bench; rod, bolt, rail; measure; stripe. See lawsuit, length. v. forbid; exclude, restrict, reject; lock, bolt, fasten. See… …   English dictionary for students

  • bolt — I [[t]boʊlt[/t]] n. 1) bui any of several types of strong fastening rods, pins, or screws, usu. threaded to receive a nut 2) bui a movable bar or rod that is slid into a socket to fasten a door, gate, etc 3) bui the part of a lock that is shot… …   From formal English to slang

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