block of houses

block of houses
квартал; домовый блок

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "block of houses" в других словарях:

  • Block — (bl[o^]k), n. [OE. blok; cf. F. bloc (fr. OHG.), D. & Dan. blok, Sw. & G. block, OHG. bloch. There is also an OHG. bloch, biloh; bi by + the same root as that of E. lock. Cf. {Block}, v. t., {Blockade}, and see {Lock}.] [1913 Webster] 1. A piece… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Block printing — Block Block (bl[o^]k), n. [OE. blok; cf. F. bloc (fr. OHG.), D. & Dan. blok, Sw. & G. block, OHG. bloch. There is also an OHG. bloch, biloh; bi by + the same root as that of E. lock. Cf. {Block}, v. t., {Blockade}, and see {Lock}.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Block system — Block Block (bl[o^]k), n. [OE. blok; cf. F. bloc (fr. OHG.), D. & Dan. blok, Sw. & G. block, OHG. bloch. There is also an OHG. bloch, biloh; bi by + the same root as that of E. lock. Cf. {Block}, v. t., {Blockade}, and see {Lock}.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Block E (Minneapolis) — Block E is the name of a block on Hennepin Avenue in downtown Minneapolis that is also bordered by 7th Street, 1st Avenue North, and 6th Street. It is considered part of the Downtown West neighborhood in Minneapolis, but the block is more of a… …   Wikipedia

  • block — [bläk] n. [ME blokke < OFr bloc & MDu block < IE * bhlugo < base * bhel , a thick plank, beam > BALK, Gr phalanx, L fulcrum] 1. any large, solid piece of wood, stone, or metal, often with flat surfaces 2. a blocklike stand or platform …   English World dictionary

  • block grant — ➔ grant1 * * * block grant UK US noun [C] ECONOMICS, FINANCE ► an amount of money given by a government to particular areas of a country to spend on public services such as houses, roads, etc.: »Cuts in federal block grant funding have made it… …   Financial and business terms

  • block|bust|er — «BLOK BUHS tuhr», noun. 1. a very destructive aerial bomb that weighs two or more tons. 2. Informal, Figurative. anything very large, forceful, or overwhelming. 3. U.S. a real estate dealer who engages in blockbusting. 4. a motion picture… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Houses in Sycamore Historic District — David DeGraff House …   Wikipedia

  • block — I. noun Usage: often attributive Etymology: Middle English blok, from Middle French & Middle Dutch; Middle French bloc, from Middle Dutch blok; akin to Old High German bloh block Date: 14th century 1. a compact usually solid piece of substantial… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • block — I. v. a. 1. Obstruct, close, blockade, stop, arrest, shut up, stop up, block up, fill up. 2. Mould, shape, form (on a block). 3. Make steady or firm, stiffen, brace. II. n. 1. Thick and heavy piece (as of wood or stone), mass. 2 …   New dictionary of synonyms

  • Houses at 208–218 East 78th Street — Blick auf die Häuserreihe; 208 East 78th ist rechts (2008) Houses at 208–218 East 78th Street ist die Bezeichnung, unter der eine Häuserreihe aus sechs miteinander verbundenen Wohngebäuden in Manhattan, New York City in das National Register of… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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