block finish

block finish
отделка поверхности бетона карборундовым блоком

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "block finish" в других словарях:

  • Block matrix pseudoinverse — is a formula of pseudoinverse of a partitioned matrix. This is useful for decomposing or approximating many algorithms updating parameters in signal processing, which are based on least squares method. Derivation Consider a column wise… …   Wikipedia

  • Block and finish — Block and finish. См. предварительная и окончательная ковка. (Источник: «Металлы и сплавы. Справочник.» Под редакцией Ю.П. Солнцева; НПО Профессионал , НПО Мир и семья ; Санкт Петербург, 2003 г.) …   Словарь металлургических терминов

  • Block letters (disambiguation) — Block letters are a form of handwriting. It can also refer to: * A block letter is a style of business letter format. * Block letters are the letters at the start and finish of the serial number on a Federal Reserve Note …   Wikipedia

  • Block statue (Egyptian) — The block statue is a type of memorial statue created because of the easy functions of it that follow. It is a memorializing statue, and ranges from ornate and detailed, to more course, and simpler, for the least famous individuals, or… …   Wikipedia

  • Butcher block — Butcher s block in modern American kitchen. A butcher s block is a style of assembled wood (often sugar maple, teak, or walnut) used as heavy duty chopping blocks, table tops, and cutting boards. It was commonly used in butcher s shops and meat… …   Wikipedia

  • Compressed earth block — Building a CEB project in Midland, Texas in August 2006 Compressed Earth Block often referred to simply as CEB, is a type of manufactured construction material formed in a mechanical press that forms an appropriate mix of dirt, non expansive clay …   Wikipedia

  • Manasse-Block Tanning Company — The entire factory and office staff as of June 26, 1947. Two men pressing the le …   Wikipedia

  • Portsmouth Block Mills — The Portsmouth Block Mills form part of the Portsmouth Dockyard at Portsmouth, Hampshire, England, and were built during the Napoleonic Wars to supply the British Royal Navy with pulley blocks. They started the age of mass production using all… …   Wikipedia

  • writer's block — noun an inability to write he had writer s block; the words wouldn t come • Hypernyms: ↑block, ↑mental block * * * noun : a psychological inhibition preventing a person from proceeding with a piece of writing * * * a usually temporary condition… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Network block device — In Linux, a network block device is a device node whose content is provided by a remote machine. Typically, network block devices are used to access a storage device that does not physically reside in the local machine but on a remote one. As an… …   Wikipedia

  • Swage block — A swage block is a large, heavy block of cast iron or steel used in smithing, with variously sized holes in its face and usually with forms on the sides.The through holes are of various shapes and sizes and are used to hold, support or back up a… …   Wikipedia

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