bi-cable ropeway

bi-cable ropeway
двухканатная воздушная дорога
* * *
двухканатная подвесная дорога

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "bi-cable ropeway" в других словарях:

  • cable carrier — cable carrier, a tub or bucket suspended from grooved wheels traveling on a cable, or directly attached to a moving cable, and used to transport sand, minerals, or other heavy materials on a wire ropeway …   Useful english dictionary

  • Ropeway conveyor — A ropeway conveyor or material ropeway[1] is essentially a subtype of gondola lift, from which containers for goods rather than passenger cars are suspended. Ropeway conveyors are typically found around large mining concerns, and can be of… …   Wikipedia

  • Cable car (railway) — A cable car or cable railway is a mass transit system using rail cars that are propelled by a continuously moving cable running at a constant speed. Individual cars stop and start by releasing and gripping this cable as required. Cable cars are… …   Wikipedia

  • Cable car — A cable car is any of a variety of transportation systems relying on cables to pull vehicles along or lower them at a steady rate, or a vehicle on these systems. Varieties in which the vehicle is suspended from a cable: * An aerial tramway… …   Wikipedia

  • cable tramway — noun a conveyance that transports passengers or freight in carriers suspended from cables and supported by a series of towers • Syn: ↑tramway, ↑tram, ↑aerial tramway, ↑ropeway • Hypernyms: ↑conveyance, ↑transport * * * tramway ( …   Useful english dictionary

  • ropeway — noun Date: 1889 1. an endless aerial cable moved by a stationary engine and used to transport freight (as logs and ore) 2. a fixed cable or a pair of fixed cables between supporting towers serving as a track for suspended passenger or freight… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • ropeway — n. a cable railway …   Useful english dictionary

  • Darjeeling Ropeway — was a ropeway in the town of Darjeeling in the Indian state of West Bengal. The ropeway used to be a popular tourist destination in the town. It consisted of sixteen cars and plied between the North Point in the town of Darjeeling and Singla on… …   Wikipedia

  • Nokogiriyama Ropeway — Nokogiriyama Ropeway. The Nokogiriyama Ropeway (鋸山ロープウェー, Nokogiriyama Rōpuwē?) …   Wikipedia

  • Tenjō-Yama Park Mt. Kachi Kachi Ropeway — The view from the cabin. The Tenjō Yama Park Mt. Kachi Kachi Ropeway (天上山公園カチカチ山ロープウェイ, Tenjōyama Kōen Kachikachiyama Rōpuwei …   Wikipedia

  • Ōyama Cable Car — funicular Oiwake Station …   Wikipedia

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