- bitt
- столб для закрепления кабеля, троса
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Bitt — Bitt, v. t. [See {Bitts}.] (Naut.) To put round the bitts; as, to bitt the cable, in order to fasten it or to slacken it gradually, which is called veering away. Totten. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Bitt — Bitt, n. (Naut.) See {Bitts}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
bitt — [bit] n. [< ON biti, crossbeam] any of the strong deck posts, usually in pairs, around which ropes or cables are wound and held fast, as in mooring: cf. BOLLARD (sense 1) … English World dictionary
bitt — bab·bitt·er; bab·bitt·ism; bab·bitt·ry; bitt; un·bitt; bab·bitt; bab·bitt·i·cal; … English syllables
bitt — I noun a strong post (as on a wharf or quay or ship for attaching mooring lines) the road was closed to vehicular traffic with bollards • Syn: ↑bollard • Topics: ↑ship • Hypernyms: ↑post … Useful english dictionary
bitt — I. noun Etymology: probably from Middle French bitte, ultimately from Old Norse biti beam Date: 1593 1. a post or pair of posts fixed on the deck of a ship for securing lines 2. bollard 1 II. transitive verb Date: 1769 to make (a cable) fast… … New Collegiate Dictionary
bitt — /bit/, Naut. n. 1. Also called bollard. a strong post of wood or iron projecting, usually in pairs, above the deck of a ship, used for securing cables, lines for towing, etc. v.t. 2. to wrap (a cable) around a bitt to secure it. [ME, perh. < D or … Universalium
bitt — 1. verb To put round the bitts; as, to bitt the cable, in order to fasten it or to slacken it gradually, which is called veering away. 2. noun A bollard … Wiktionary
bitt — [[t]bɪt[/t]] n. 1) naut. navig. a strong post projecting above the deck of a ship 2) naut. to secure (a cable) around a bitt • Etymology: ME … From formal English to slang
bittəmam — z. <fars. bi. . . və ər. təmam> köhn. Tamamilə, bütün, bütünlüklə, hamısı. Cari olub xublar gəlsə bittəmam; Olmaz belə gözəl, belə xoşəndam. M. P. V.. İndi olar da ayılıb bittəmam; Qalmadı heç yerdə sənə ehtiram. M. Ə. S … Azərbaycan dilinin izahlı lüğəti
bitt-pin — noun Similar to a belaying pin but of heavier scantlings; a turned length of wood or metal passed through the bitts or cross piece, used to prevent the cable from slipping off or over the bitt heads yet removable so as to facilitate doing so … Wiktionary