- biosolids
- "биосолидс" (органический материал, получаемый в результате обработки сточных вод)
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Biosolids — is a term used by the water treatment industry that refers to treated sludge. Sludge, or biosolids, are the byproduct of the treatment of domestic and commercial wastewater or sewage in a wastewater treatment plant. To create biosolids, these… … Wikipedia
biosolids — bi·o·sol·ids (bīʹō sŏl ĭdz) pl.n. Solid or semisolid material obtained from treated wastewater, often used as fertilizer. * * * Sewage sludge, the residues remaining from the treatment of sewage. For use as a fertilizer in agricultural… … Universalium
biosolids — plural noun organic matter recycled from sewage, especially for use in agriculture … English new terms dictionary
biosolids — … Useful english dictionary
Milorganite — is the trademark of a biosolids fertilizer produced by the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District. The name Milorganite is a contraction of the phrase Milwaukee Organic Nitrogen, and was the result of a 1925 naming contest held in National… … Wikipedia
Sludge — is the residual semi solid material left from industrial, water treatment, or wastewater treatment processes.When fresh sewage or wastewater is added to a settling tank, approximately 50% of the suspended solid matter will settle out in about an… … Wikipedia
Bioaerosol — A bioaerosol is a biological aerosol. These particles are very small and range in size from less than one micrometer (0.00004 ) to one hundred micrometers (0.004 ). Bioaerosols react to air currents and move quickly or slowly depending on the… … Wikipedia
Hyperion sewage treatment plant — The Hyperion Wastewater Treatment plant is located in southwest Los Angeles, California next to Dockweiler State Beach on Santa Monica Bay. The largest such facility in the Los Angeles Metropolitan Area, Hyperion is operated by the City of Los… … Wikipedia
Compost — ( /ˈ … Wikipedia
Clean Water Act — For Clean Water Act of Ontario, Canada, see Clean Water Act (Ontario). Clean Water Act Full title Federal Water Pollution Control Amendments of 1972 Acronym CWA / Clean Water Act Enacted by the 92nd United … Wikipedia
Sewage sludge treatment — described the processes used to manage and dispose of the sludges produced during sewage treatment.ources of sludgeCoarse primary solids and secondary biosolids accumulated in a wastewater treatment process must be treated and disposed of in a… … Wikipedia