- biological indicator
- биоиндикатор
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
biological indicator — bioindikatorius statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Organizmas arba jų bendrija, pagal kurių buvimą (nebuvimą), gausumą tam tikroje aplinkoje galima spręsti apie tos aplinkos savybes. Į užteršimą kenksmingosiomis medžiagomis… … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
biological indicator — a fish whose presence in a water body is indicative of certain environmental conditions … Dictionary of ichthyology
biological indicator — a viable culture of specific microorganisms resistant to a given sterilization process, used to develop sterilization processes or monitor sterilization cycles; it may consist of spores added to a paper, glass, or plastic carrier or of spores… … Medical dictionary
Biological monitoring working party — The biological monitoring working party (BMWP) is a procedure for measuring water quality using species of macroinvertebrates as biological indicators.The method is based on the principle that different aquatic invertebrates have different… … Wikipedia
indicator — 1) a floating object placed on the leader or end of a fly line to track the movement of the line or to indicate a bite. Used with nymphs and a slack line, for example 2) biological indicator (a fish whose presence in a water body is indicative of … Dictionary of ichthyology
Biological interaction — Biological interactions are the effects organisms in a community have on one another. In the natural world no organism exists in absolute isolation, and thus every organism must interact with the environment and other organisms. An organism s… … Wikipedia
Biological integrity — is associated with how “pristine” an environment is and its function relative to the potential or original state of an ecosystem before human alterations were imposed. Biological integrity is built on the assumption that a decline in the values… … Wikipedia
Indicator species — An indicator species is any biological species that defines a trait or characteristic of the environment. For example, a species may delineate an ecoregion or indicate an environmental condition such as a disease outbreak, pollution, species… … Wikipedia
Index of biological integrity — To quantitatively assess changes in the composition of biologic communities Indices of Biological Integrity (IBIs) are developed to accurately reflect the ecological complexity from statistical descriptions of sample species counts. There is no… … Wikipedia
Environmental indicator — Environmental indicators are simple measures that tell us what is happening in the environment. Since the environment is very complex, indicators provide a more practical and economical way to track the state of the environment than if we… … Wikipedia
Sterilization (microbiology) — Sterilization (or sterilisation, see spelling differences) refers to any process that effectively kills or eliminates transmissible agents (such as fungi, bacteria, viruses, spore forms, etc.) from a surface, equipment, article of food or… … Wikipedia