- biocompatibility
- биосовместимость
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Biocompatibility — is related to the behavior of biomaterials and in that it is a peculiar word because it would seem that are at least two opposing uses of the same term. One is more related with statements on low level of immune response of a specific material… … Wikipedia
biocompatibility — biocompatible, adj. /buy oh keuhm pat euh bil i tee/, n. the capability of coexistence with living tissues or organisms without causing harm: Artificial joint adhesives must have biocompatibility with bone and muscle. [1975 80; BIO +… … Universalium
biocompatibility — noun Date: 1971 compatibility with living tissue or a living system by not being toxic, injurious, or physiologically reactive and not causing immunological rejection • biocompatible adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
biocompatibility — noun The ability of a material to perform with an appropriate host response in a specific situation. See Also: biocompatible … Wiktionary
biocompatibility — The relative ability of a material to interact favorably with a biological system. [bio + compatibility] * * * bio·com·pat·i·bil·i·ty kəm .pat ə bil ət ē n, pl ties the condition of being compatible with living tissue or a living system by not… … Medical dictionary
biocompatibility — n. quality of being biocompatible … English contemporary dictionary
biocompatibility — bio·compatibility … English syllables
biocompatibility — n. the ability of a material or device to be tolerated by tissue. This is important for materials embedded in the body. Derivatives: biocompatible adj … The new mediacal dictionary
biocompatibility — bi•o•com•pat•i•bil•i•ty [[t]ˌbaɪ oʊ kəmˌpæt əˈbɪl ɪ ti[/t]] n. biochem. imu the capability of coexistence with living tissues or organisms without causing harm • Etymology: 1975–80 bi o•com•pat′i•ble, adj … From formal English to slang
biocompatibility — … Useful english dictionary
Nitinol Biocompatibility — Biocompatibility Overview= Metal implants containing a combination of biocompatible metals or used in conjunction with other biomaterials are often considered the standard for many implant types. When materials are introduced to the body it is… … Wikipedia