- bimetallic
- биметаллический
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Bimetallic — Bi me*tal lic, a. [Pref. bi + metallic: cf. F. bim[ e]tallique.] 1. Of or relating to, or using, a double metallic standard (as gold and silver) for a system of coins or currency. [archaic] [1913 Webster] 2. Composed of two different metals;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Bimetallic — may refer to:*Bimetallism, a monetary standard in economics *Bimetallic strip, a temperature sensitive mechanical device *Binary alloy, in metallurgy, a mixture of two metals *Bimetallic coins … Wikipedia
bimetallic — (adj.) also bi metallic, composed of two metals, 1864, from BI (Cf. bi ) + METALLLIC (Cf. metalllic). In economics, 1876, from Fr. bimétalique (Cornuschi) … Etymology dictionary
bimetallic — [bī΄mə tal′ik] adj. [Fr bimétallique < bi , BI 1 + métallique, metallic] 1. of, containing, or using two metals, often two metals bonded together 2. of or based on bimetallism … English World dictionary
bimetallic — adjective Date: 1876 1. relating to, based on, or using bimetallism 2. composed of two different metals often used of devices having a part in which two metals that expand differently are bonded together • bimetallic noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
bimetallic — adjective /baɪmɪˈtælɪk/ a) Pertaining to the use of gold and silver to create legal currency , 1908: We well suppose that a Minister needs information as to a point which involves the Navy, India, Canada and the bimetallic question Arthur Conan… … Wiktionary
bimetallic — adj. 1 made of two metals. 2 of or relating to bimetallism. Phrases and idioms: bimetallic strip a sensitive element in some thermostats made of two bands of different metals that expand at different rates when heated, causing the strip to bend.… … Useful english dictionary
Bimetallic Standard — A monetary system in which a government recognizes coins composed of gold or silver as legal tender. The bimetallic standard (or bimetallism) backs a unit of currency to a fixed ratio of gold and/or silver. The bimetallic standard was first used… … Investment dictionary
bimetallic strip — UK [ˌbaɪmetælɪk ˈstrɪp] / US noun [countable] Word forms bimetallic strip : singular bimetallic strip plural bimetallic strips physics two long pieces of metal fixed together, each of which bends a different amount when they are both heated to… … English dictionary
bimetallic plate — bimetalinė plokštelė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. bimetallic plate; bimetallic strip vok. Bimetallplatte, f rus. биметаллическая пластинка, f pranc. bilame, f; lame bimétallique, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
bimetallic strip — bimetalinė plokštelė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. bimetallic plate; bimetallic strip vok. Bimetallplatte, f rus. биметаллическая пластинка, f pranc. bilame, f; lame bimétallique, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas