- base of footing
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Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
base stone — noun Etymology: base (III) : footing stone … Useful english dictionary
footing — [foot′iŋ] n. [ME fotinge: see FOOT & ING] 1. Now Rare a moving on the feet; walking, dancing, etc. 2. a secure placing of the feet [to lose one s footing] 3. a) the condition of a surface with regard to its suitability, for walking, running, etc … English World dictionary
footing — ► NOUN 1) (one s footing) a secure grip with one s feet. 2) the basis on which something is established or operates. 3) the foundations of a wall, usually with a course of brickwork wider than the base of the wall … English terms dictionary
base — [adj] vulgar, low abject, abominable, cheap, coarse, common, contemptible, corrupt, depraved, despicable, disgraceful, dishonorable, disreputable, foul, grovelling, humble, ignoble, immoral, indelicate, loathsome, lowly, mean, menial, offensive,… … New thesaurus
base — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. basis, foundation, groundwork, support; basement, substructure; headquarters, depot; root; footing, floor; pavement; bottom; bedrock. v. found, establish; predicate; ground, rest, or build upon. See… … English dictionary for students
footing — foot|ing [ˈfutıŋ] n 1.) [singular] the conditions or arrangements on which something is based put/place sth on a ... footing ▪ He wanted to put their relationship on a permanent footing. a financial/commercial/legal etc footing ▪ The city started … Dictionary of contemporary English
Base — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Base >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 base base basement Sgm: N 1 plinth plinth dado wainscot Sgm: N 1 baseboard baseboard mopboard Sgm: N 1 bedrock bedrock hardpan … English dictionary for students
footing — noun 1) Natalie lost her footing Syn: foothold, toehold, grip, purchase 2) a solid financial footing Syn: basis, base, foundation 3) on an equal footing Syn … Thesaurus of popular words
Footing — Jogging (sport) Pour le vêtement homonyme voir jogging (vêtement) Jimmy Carter en plein effort Le jogging ou … Wikipédia en Français
footing — noun 1) a solid financial footing Syn: basis, base, foundation 2) on an equal footing Syn: standing, status, position, condition, arrangement, basis, relationship, terms … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary
footing — n. 1 a foothold; a secure position (lost his footing). 2 the basis on which an enterprise is established or operates; the position or status of a person in relation to others (on an equal footing). 3 the foundations of a wall, usu. with a course… … Useful english dictionary