- barrel of cement
- амер. баррель цемента
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
barrel — 1. (bbl or brl or bl) a commercial unit of volume used to measure liquids such as beer and wine. The official U. S. definition of the barrel is 31.5 gallons, which is about 4.211 cubic feet or 119.24 liters. This unit is the same as the… … Dictionary of units of measurement
Barrel (unit) — bbl redirects here. For other uses, see BBL (disambiguation). A barrel is one of several units of volume, with dry barrels, fluid barrels (UK beer barrel, U.S. beer barrel), oil barrel, etc. The volume of some barrel units is double others, with… … Wikipedia
Barrel (volume) — The barrel is the name of several units of volume, generally in the range of about 100 200 L (30 50 US gallon).Dry goods* US dry barrel: 7,056 cubic inches ( 3.28 bushel / 115.6 litres). **Defined as “length of stave 28.5″, diameter of head… … Wikipedia
barrel — /bar euhl/, n., v., barreled, barreling or (esp. Brit.) barrelled, barrelling. n. 1. a cylindrical wooden container with slightly bulging sides made of staves hooped together, and with flat, parallel ends. 2. the quantity that such a vessel of… … Universalium
Barrel barbecue — A barrel barbecue is a type of barbecue made from a 55 gallon barrel. Vents are cut into the top and bottom for airflow control. A lid is used to retain heat. A chimney is not needed because the length of the barrel acts as its own chimney and… … Wikipedia
Frederick Bailey Deeming — Infobox Criminal subject name = Frederick Bailey Deeming image size = image caption = date of birth = birth date|1853|7|30|df=y place of birth = United Kingdom date of death = death date and age|1892|5|23|1853|7|30|df=y place of death = alias =… … Wikipedia
DEEMING, Frederick Bailey (1853-1892) — murderer was born in Kent, England, on 30 July 1853 of respectable parents. He ran away to sea at 16 years of age and afterwards began a long career of crime, largely thieving and obtaining money under false pretences. Most of his time was spent… … Dictionary of Australian Biography
Crump Stadium — was a sports stadium in Memphis, Tennessee, built in 1934 and largely demolished in 2006. It was built as a WPA project with a capacity of 7,500. In 1939 it was enlarged to hold 25,000 spectators. In 1948 and 1949 it staged the NCAA football… … Wikipedia
One way ride — A one way ride, also known by the phrase take for a ride , is a slang term used by the underworld as an execution method. The usual plan is for the victim, who is lured or forced into a car, to be driven to a remote location where they are killed … Wikipedia
бочка цемента — Масса объёма сухого цемента, равная 4 фут? (0,11 м?) или 376 фунтам (170,5 кг). [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN barrel of cement … Справочник технического переводчика
Plasterwork — refers to construction or ornamentation done with plaster, such as a layer of plaster on an interior wall or plaster decorative moldings on ceilings or walls. This is also sometimes called pargeting. The process of creating plasterwork, called… … Wikipedia