- banisters handrail
- поручень перил
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
banisters — n. railing of a staircase ban·is·ter || bænɪstÉ™ n. railing, handrail … English contemporary dictionary
banisters — n railing, rail, handrail, balustrade … Useful english dictionary
Перила — Различной конфигурации ограждения лестниц, балконов, терасс, набережных, мостов высотой около оного метра. Источник: Словарь архитектурно строительных терминов предохранительное ограждение по краю лестницы, балкона, тротуара и т.д. (Болгарский… … Строительный словарь
перила — Предохранительное ограждение по краю лестницы, балкона, тротуара и т.д. [Терминологический словарь по строительству на 12 языках (ВНИИИС Госстроя СССР)] Перила Тематики элементы зданий и сооружений EN banistershandrailrailrailing DE… … Справочник технического переводчика
Baluster — A baluster (according to OED derived through the French balustre , from Italian balaustro , from balaustra , pomegranate flower [from a resemblance to the swelling form of the half open flower ( illustration, below left )] , [The early sixteenth… … Wikipedia
baluster — baluster, banister The OED describes banister as a corruption of the slightly earlier word baluster; both are 17c. A baluster, though once having the meaning that banisters (plural) now has, means a single curved or ornamental post supporting a… … Modern English usage
banister — baluster, banister The OED describes banister as a corruption of the slightly earlier word baluster; both are 17c. A baluster, though once having the meaning that banisters (plural) now has, means a single curved or ornamental post supporting a… … Modern English usage
banister — ban•is•ter art at banksia or bannister [[t]ˈbæn ə stər[/t]] n. 1) archit. Sometimes, banisters. a handrail and its supporting posts, esp. on a staircase; balustrade 2) archit. a handrail, esp. on a staircase 3) bui archit. a baluster • Etymology … From formal English to slang
staircase — /stair kays /, n. a flight of stairs with its framework, banisters, etc., or a series of such flights. [1615 25; STAIR + CASE2] * * * ▪ architecture series, or flight, of steps between two floors. Traditionally, staircase is a term for stairs… … Universalium
banister — n 1. baluster, post, spoke, spindle, rod, bar, pole; column, pillar, stanchion, pile, pier, upright, vertical. 2.Sometimes banisters railing, rail, balusters, Archit. balustrade, Building Trades. runner; handrail, guardrail, barrier … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
banister — (also bannister) ► NOUN 1) (also banisters) the uprights and handrail at the side of a staircase. 2) a single upright at the side of a staircase. ORIGIN from BALUSTER(Cf. ↑baluster) … English terms dictionary