ballast of broken stone

ballast of broken stone

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "ballast of broken stone" в других словарях:

  • Ballast — Bal last (b[a^]l last), n. [D. ballast; akin to Dan. baglast, ballast, OSw. barlast, Sw. ballast. The first part is perh. the same word as E. bare, adj.; the second is last a burden, and hence the meaning a bare, or mere, load. See {Bare}, a.,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Ballast engine — Ballast Bal last (b[a^]l last), n. [D. ballast; akin to Dan. baglast, ballast, OSw. barlast, Sw. ballast. The first part is perh. the same word as E. bare, adj.; the second is last a burden, and hence the meaning a bare, or mere, load. See {Bare} …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ballast — ballaster, n. ballastic /beuh las tik/, adj. /bal euhst/, n. 1. Naut. any heavy material carried temporarily or permanently in a vessel to provide desired draft and stability. 2. Aeron. something heavy, as bags of sand, placed in the car of a… …   Universalium

  • ballast — I. noun Etymology: probably from Low German, of Scandinavian origin; akin to Danish & Swedish barlast ballast; perhaps akin to Old English bær bare & to Old English hlæst load, hladan to load more at lade Date: 1530 1. a heavy substance placed in …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • ballast — /ˈbæləst / (say baluhst) noun 1. any heavy material carried by a ship or boat for ensuring proper stability, so as to avoid capsizing and to secure the greatest effectiveness of the propelling power. 2. something heavy, as bags of sand, placed in …  

  • ballast — bal•last [[t]ˈbæl əst[/t]] n. 1) naut. a heavy material carried on a vessel to control draft and stability or a balloon to control altitude 2) rai gravel or broken stone placed under the ties of a railroad 3) elm a device that maintains the… …   From formal English to slang

  • Ship in ballast — Ballast Bal last (b[a^]l last), n. [D. ballast; akin to Dan. baglast, ballast, OSw. barlast, Sw. ballast. The first part is perh. the same word as E. bare, adj.; the second is last a burden, and hence the meaning a bare, or mere, load. See {Bare} …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Laigh Milton Viaduct — Infobox Bridge bridge name = Laigh Milton Viaduct caption = Laigh Milton Viaduct in East Ayrshire over the River Irvine official name = Laigh Milton Viaduct locale = Laigh Milton mill at Gatehead in East Ayrshire, Scotland. carries = Traffic… …   Wikipedia

  • Sleeps Hill railway station, Adelaide — Sleeps Hill was the location of a number of quarries which became the source of ballast stone for the South Australian Railways (SAR). From 1909, a branch line, parallel to the main line and the Clapham branch line, served the Sleeps Hill… …   Wikipedia

  • Dew pond — Typical example of downland dew pond near Chanctonbury Ring, West Sussex. 50°53′47″N 0°23 …   Wikipedia

  • metal — /ˈmɛtl / (say metl) noun 1. any of a class of elementary substances, as gold, silver, copper, etc., all of which are crystalline when solid and many of which are characterised by opacity, ductility, conductivity, and a peculiar lustre when… …  

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