backward stroke

backward stroke
обратный ход (поршня)

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "backward stroke" в других словарях:

  • Butterfly stroke — Overhead shot of a swimmer performing the butterfly stroke. The butterfly (colloquially among swimmers known as fly) is a swimming stroke swum on the breast, with both arms moving simultaneously. The butterfly kick was developed separately, and… …   Wikipedia

  • Two-stroke engine — Brons two stroke V8 Diesel engine driving a Heemaf generator. A two stroke engine is an internal combustion engine that completes the process cycle in one revolution of the crankshaft (an up stroke and a down stroke of the piston, compared to… …   Wikipedia

  • recovery stroke — the part of a ciliary beat in which the cilium becomes flexible and bends, moving backward close to the cell surface …   Medical dictionary

  • annelid — /an l id/, n. 1. any segmented worm of the phylum Annelida, including the earthworms, leeches, and various marine forms. adj. 2. belonging or pertaining to the Annelida. Also, annelidan /euh nel i dn/. [1825 35; see ANNELIDA] * * * Any member of… …   Universalium

  • Gondola — A gondola is a traditional Venetian rowing boat. Gondolas were for centuries the chief means of transportation within Venice and still have a role in public transport, serving as traghetti (ferries) over the Grand Canal. Their primary role,… …   Wikipedia

  • Feed dogs — are the feeder mechanism in a sewing machines which is typically used to pull fabric through a sewing mechanism.A set of feed dogs typically resembles two or three short, thin metal bars, crosscut with diagonal furrows, which move back and forth… …   Wikipedia

  • Choc|taw — «CHOK t», noun, plural taw or taws. 1. a member of a tribe of American Indians, now living mostly in Oklahoma. 2. the Muskhogean language of these Indians. 3. Figurative. any unknown or difficult language. 4. a fancy figure in skating consisting… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Reredemain — Rere de*main ( d? m?n ), n. [F. arri?re back + de of + main hand.] A backward stroke. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • задний ход (поршня) — — [ russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN backward stroke …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • Canoe — A canoe is a small narrow boat, typically human powered, though it may also be powered by sails or small electric or gas motors. Canoes usually are pointed at both bow and stern and are normally open on top, but can be covered. In its human… …   Wikipedia

  • locomotion — /loh keuh moh sheuhn/, n. the act or power of moving from place to place. [1640 50; see LOCOMOTIVE, MOTION] * * * Any of various animal movements that result in progression from one place to another. Locomotion is classified as either… …   Universalium

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