- back leg
- укосина; задняя нога; оттяжка
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
leg — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. limb, support; course, tack, lap; side. shake a leg II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [The limb of a creature] Syn. part, member, lower appendage, hind leg, foreleg, back leg, front leg, left leg, right leg,… … English dictionary for students
Back to Basics (Christina-Aguilera-Album) — Back to Basics Studioalbum von Christina Aguilera Veröffentlichungen 9. August 2006 (Japan) 11. August 2006 (Irland, Belgien, Schweiz, Österreich, Deutschland, Italien und Niederlande) 12. August 2 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Back pain — Different regions (curvatures) of the vertebral column ICD 10 M54 ICD … Wikipedia
Back flip — is a generic term for a sequence of body movements in which a person leaps into the air, performs one complete backwards revolution while still in the air, and then lands on the feet. Variations of back flips, such as the back tuck and back… … Wikipedia
Back mount — or rear mount is a dominant ground grappling position where one combatant is behind the other in such a way that he or she is controlling the combatant in front. Typically, the combatant in the inferior position is lying face down, while the… … Wikipedia
Leg warmer — Leg warmers are coverings for the lower legs, similar to socks but thicker and generally footless. Leg warmers were originally dancewear worn by ballet and other classic dancers. Leg warmers are thought by some dancers to warm the lower calf, but … Wikipedia
leg — [leg] n. [ME < ON leggr, a leg, limb < IE base * lek , limb > L lacertus, muscle, lacerta, lizard] 1. one of the parts of the body by means of which animals stand and walk, specif., in human beings, a) one of the lower limbs b) Anat. the … English World dictionary
back — back1 [bak] n. [ME bak < OE baec; akin to ON bak, OHG bahho] 1. the part of the body opposite to the front; in humans and many other animals, the part to the rear or top reaching from the nape of the neck to the end of the spine 2. the… … English World dictionary
Back in Black — Studioalbum von … Deutsch Wikipedia
Back in black — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Back in Black álbum de AC/DC Publicación 25 de julio de 1980 Grabación Abril de 1980 … Wikipedia Español
Back in Black — Back in Black … Википедия