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Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "axeman" в других словарях:

  • Axeman — The word axeman has a number of uses: *Most basically, an axeman is a person who wields an axe, such as a woodchopper, an executioner or a warrior of antiquity. From this history, it is often used for someone who abuptly ends something. * Axeman… …   Wikipedia

  • Axeman — (AX amen) A VAMPIRIC WITCH from Suriname (see AFRICAN VAMPIRE WITCH), the axeman is traditionally a female and fairly common in the lore of vampiric witches throughout Africa. She is a woman by day, a LIVING VAMPIRE, but at night shape shifts… …   Encyclopedia of vampire mythology

  • Axeman — Axe Axe, Axeman Axe man, etc. See {Ax}, {Axman}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • axeman — noun a) A man who wields an axe. Ex Aerosmith axeman Joe Perry has finished recording his first solo effort, Ive Got the Rock n Rolls Again. b) A musician who plays a guitar or saxophone …   Wiktionary

  • Axeman of New Orleans — (dt.: Axtmann von New Orleans) ist das von der Presse verliehene Pseudonym eines nie mit Sicherheit ermittelten Täters einer Mordserie, die in New Orleans zwischen 1911 und 1919 stattfand. Zwischen 1911 und 1918 gab es hierbei eine lange Pause;… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Axeman of New Orleans — Infobox Serial Killer name=The Axeman of New Orleans caption=Early 20th century New Orleans, the Axeman s haunt birthname= alias= birth= location= death= cause= victims=8 country=USA states=Louisiana beginyear=May, 1918 endyear=October, 1919… …   Wikipedia

  • axeman — n. person who handles an axe with skill; one who cuts budgets (Slang); guitar or saxophone player (Slang) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • axeman — noun (plural axemen /ˈæksmən/ (say aksmuhn) for def. 1, /ˈæksˌmɛn/ (say for def. 2) 1. /ˈæksmən/ (say aksmuhn) a man who wields an axe; chopper. 2. /ˈæksˌmæn/ (say Colloquial a male personnel officer or the like, one of whose… …  

  • axeman — variant of axman …   Useful english dictionary

  • Attack of the Mad Axeman — is a song by The Michael Schenker Group from the 1981 album M.S.G. II. It is about an axe wielding man who prowls through a town at night, although it is ambiguous as to whether the the axeman is actually a guitarist playing his songs. References …   Wikipedia

  • Wood chopping — Woodchop or wood chopping is a sport that has been around for hundreds of years in several cultures. In wood chopping competitions, skilled contestants attempt to be the first to cut or saw through a log or other block of wood. It is often held… …   Wikipedia

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