automatic scales

automatic scales
автоматические весы

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "automatic scales" в других словарях:

  • Automatic box opening technology — (ABOT) refers to the process of automatically opening boxes on a conveyor or other pass through environment. The process was invented due to a gap in automation technology that exists in large distribution center and warehouses. This trend has… …   Wikipedia

  • M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle — Not to be confused with Browning BAR. Rifle, Caliber .30, Automatic, Browning, M1918 The M1918A2 BAR Type …   Wikipedia

  • scaleman — ˈ ̷ ̷mən noun (plural scalemen) Etymology: scale (I) + man 1. : one who repairs scales 2. : one whose work is weighing goods or ingredients sometimes with automatic scales 3. [ …   Useful english dictionary

  • map — mappable, adj. mapper, n. /map/, n., v., mapped, mapping. n. 1. a representation, usually on a flat surface, as of the features of an area of the earth or a portion of the heavens, showing them in their respective forms, sizes, and relationships… …   Universalium

  • Map — /map/, n. Walter, c1140 1209?, Welsh ecclesiastic, poet, and satirist. Also, Mapes /mayps, may peez/. * * * I Graphic representation, drawn to scale and usually on a flat surface, of features usually geographic, geologic, or geopolitical of an… …   Universalium

  • MAP — See modified American plan. * * * I Graphic representation, drawn to scale and usually on a flat surface, of features usually geographic, geologic, or geopolitical of an area of the Earth or of any celestial body. Globes are maps represented on… …   Universalium

  • Scale space — theory is a framework for multi scale signal representation developed by the computer vision, image processing and signal processing communities with complementary motivations from physics and biological vision. It is a formal theory for handling …   Wikipedia

  • photography, technology of — Introduction       equipment, techniques, and processes used in the production of photographs.  The most widely used photographic process is the black and white negative–positive system (Figure 1 >). In the camera the lens projects an image of… …   Universalium

  • Blob detection — Feature detection Output of a typical corner detection algorithm …   Wikipedia

  • Harris affine region detector — In the fields of computer vision and image analysis, the Harris affine region detector belongs to the category of feature detection. Feature detection is a preprocessing step of several algorithms that rely on identifying characteristic points or …   Wikipedia

  • Film speed — is the measure of a photographic film s sensitivity to light, determined by sensitometry and measured on various numerical scales, the most recent being the ISO system. A closely related ISO system is used to measure the sensitivity of digital… …   Wikipedia

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