- asbestos insulation
- асбестовая изоляция
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Asbestos fibers — are released from asbestos containing materials (ACMs). Friable asbestos containing materials release fibers more readily than encapsulated asbestos containing materials. Determining airborne asbestos fiber levels The standard methodology(MDHS100 … Wikipedia
Asbestos — For other uses, see Asbestos (disambiguation). Fibrous asbestos on muscovite … Wikipedia
asbestos — [as bes′təs, azbes′təs] n. [ME asbestus < L asbestos < Gr, inextinguishable < a , not + sbestos < sbennynai, to extinguish: first applied in Gr & L to unslaked lime or a mineral other than asbestos] any of several grayish minerals, as … English World dictionary
Asbestos and the law — This article concerns asbestos related legal and regulatory issues.BackgroundIn the late 1800s and early 1900s, asbestos was considered an ideal material for use in the construction industry. It was known to be an excellent fire retardant, to… … Wikipedia
Asbestos abatement — Many buildings contain asbestos, which was used in spray applied flame retardant, thermal system insulation, and in a variety of other materials. Asbestos was sometimes flocked above false ceilings, inside technical ducts, and in many other small … Wikipedia
asbestos — asbestine /as bes tin, az /, asbestous, adj. asbestoid, asbestoidal, adj. /as bes teuhs, az /, n. 1. Mineral. a fibrous mineral, either amphibole or chrysotile, formerly used for making incombustible or fireproof articles. 2. a fabric woven from… … Universalium
asbestos — The commercial product, after mining and processing, obtained from a family of fibrous hydrated silicates divided mineralogically into amphiboles (amosite, anthrophyllite, and crocidolite) and serpentines (chrysotile); it is virtually insoluble… … Medical dictionary
asbestos — 1. noun /ˈæs.bɛs.tɒs/ Any of several fibrous mineral forms of magnesium silicate, used for fireproofing, electrical insulation, building materials, brake linings, and chemical filters; The small fibres can cause cancer when lodged in the lungs. 2 … Wiktionary
asbestos — as•bes•tos [[t]æsˈbɛs təs, æz [/t]] n. 1) mir a fibrous mineral, either amphibole or chrysotile, formerly used for making incombustible or fireproof articles and in building insulation 2) a fabric woven from asbestos fibers, formerly used for… … From formal English to slang
insulation — I (Roget s IV) n. 1. [The act of insuLating] Syn. taping, covering, caulking, lining, cushioning, furring, protecting, padding, packing, surrounding, isoLating, defending, neutralizing, cording. 2. [An insulator] Syn. nonconductor, protector,… … English dictionary for students
Control of Asbestos Regulations 2006 — The Control of Asbestos Regulations 2006 came into force in the United Kingdom on 13 November 2006 and brought together a number of other asbestos related pieces of legislation.[1] The pieces of legislation the regulations revoked and replaced… … Wikipedia