artificial daylight

artificial daylight
искусственный дневной свет

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "artificial daylight" в других словарях:

  • artificial daylight — dirbtinė dienos šviesa statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Apšvietimas, intensyvesnis negu pilnaties šviesa giedrą naktį (optimalus apšvietimas yra dienos šviesos ekvivalentas). atitikmenys: angl. artificial daylight pranc. jour artificiel ryšiai …   NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • Daylight harvesting — is the term used in sustainable architecture and the building controls and active daylighting industries for a control system that reduces the use of artificial lighting with electric lamps in building interiors when natural daylight is available …   Wikipedia

  • daylight saving time — n. [often D S T ] standard time that is one hour later than the standard time for a given zone based on mean solar time: it is used to give an hour more of daylight at the end of the usual working day: also daylight savings time * * * System for… …   Universalium

  • Daylight — Day light ( l[imac]t), n. 1. The light of day as opposed to the darkness of night; the light of the sun, as opposed to that of the moon or to artificial light. [1913 Webster] 2. pl. The eyes. [Prov. Eng.] Wright. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Daylight — For other uses, see Daylight (disambiguation). World map showing the areas of the Earth receiving daylight around 13:00 UTC, April 2nd. Daylight or the light of day is the combination of all direct and indirect sunlight outdoors during the… …   Wikipedia

  • Daylight factor — A daylight factor is the ratio of internal light level to external light level and is defined as follows: DF = (Ei / Eo) x 100% where, Ei = illumiance due to daylight at a point on the indoors working plane, Eo = simultaneous outdoor illuminance… …   Wikipedia

  • Daylight saving time — This article is about daylight saving time in general. For DST in a specific location, see Daylight saving time by country. Summer time and DST redirect here. For other uses, see Summer time (disambiguation) and DST (disambiguation) …   Wikipedia

  • daylight — /day luyt /, n., adj., v., daylighted or daylit, daylighting. n. 1. the light of day: At the end of the tunnel they could see daylight. 2. public knowledge or awareness; openness: The newspaper article brought the scandal out into the daylight. 3 …   Universalium

  • daylight lamp — noun : an incandescent or fluorescent lamp that gives an artificial light whose energy distribution approximates that of daylight * * * daylight lamp noun (physics) A lamp which emits light of wavelengths similar to those of ordinary daylight • • …   Useful english dictionary

  • The Owl in Daylight — is a novel that Philip K. Dick was working on at the time of his death in 1982. He had already been paid and was working against a deadline. After his death the Philip K. Dick estate approached other writers to see about the possibility of… …   Wikipedia

  • Heliciculture — (snail farming) is the process of farming or raising snails.HistoryRoasted snail shells have been found in archaeological excavations, an indication that snails have been eaten since prehistoric times [ [… …   Wikipedia

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