areal mapping

areal mapping
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Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "areal mapping" в других словарях:

  • Squeeze mapping — In linear algebra, a squeeze mapping is a type of linear map that preserves Euclidean area of regions in the Cartesian plane, but is not a Euclidean motion.For a fixed positive real number r , the mapping :( x , y ) rarr; ( r x , y / r ) is the… …   Wikipedia

  • Shear mapping — In mathematics, a shear or transvection is a particular kind of linear mapping. Its effect leaves fixed all points on one axis and other points are shifted parallel to the axis by a distance proportional to their perpendicular distance from the… …   Wikipedia

  • Real matrices (2 x 2) — The 2 x 2 real matrices are the linear mappings of the Cartesian coordinate system into itself by the rule:(x,y) mapsto (x,y)egin{pmatrix}a c b dend{pmatrix} = (ax + by, cx + dy).The set of all such real matrices is denoted by M(2,R). Two… …   Wikipedia

  • 2 × 2 real matrices — The set of 2 × 2 real matrices is denoted by M(2, R). Two matrices p and q in M(2, R) have a sum p + q given by matrix addition. The product matrix p q is formed from the dot product of the rows and columns of its factors… …   Wikipedia

  • Matrix (mathematics) — Specific elements of a matrix are often denoted by a variable with two subscripts. For instance, a2,1 represents the element at the second row and first column of a matrix A. In mathematics, a matrix (plural matrices, or less commonly matrixes)… …   Wikipedia

  • Area — This article is about the geometric quantity. For other uses, see Area (disambiguation). The combined area of these three shapes is between 15 and 16 squares. Area is a quantity that expresses the extent of a two dimensional surface or shape in… …   Wikipedia

  • Equiareal — Let M,N be surfaces in the Euclidean space mathbb{R}^3. A smooth map f:M ightarrow N is called equiareal if:|df p(v) imes df p(w)|=|v imes w|, for all pin M and v,win T pM, where the latter denotes the tangent space to M.For some examples of such …   Wikipedia

  • Dasymetrische Kartierung — Choroplethenkarte der Bevölkerungsdichte von Podlachien[1] …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • geography — /jee og reuh fee/, n., pl. geographies. 1. the science dealing with the areal differentiation of the earth s surface, as shown in the character, arrangement, and interrelations over the world of such elements as climate, elevation, soil,… …   Universalium

  • Dasymetric map — of climate and plant hardiness zones. The dasymetric map is a method of thematic mapping, which uses areal symbols to spatially classify volumetric data. The method was developed and named by Benjamin (Veniamin) Petrovich Semenov Tyan Shansky and …   Wikipedia

  • Spatial analysis — In statistics, spatial analysis or spatial statistics includes any of the formal techniques which study entities using their topological, geometric, or geographic properties. The phrase properly refers to a variety of techniques, many still in… …   Wikipedia

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