- aqueous
- водный, водянистый; разжиженный; осадочный (о горной породе)
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Aqueous — A que*ous, a. [Cf. F. aqueux, L. aquosus, fr. aqua. See {Aqua}, {Aquose}.] 1. Partaking of the nature of water, or abounding with it; watery. [1913 Webster] The aqueous vapor of the air. Tyndall. [1913 Webster] 2. Made from, or by means of, water … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
aqueous — (adj.) 1640s, from L. aqua water (see AQUA (Cf. aqua )) on analogy of Fr. aqueux watery (16c., which, however, is from L.L. aquosus abounding in water ). Or by analogy of L. terreus earthy, from terra earth. Aqueous humor is the original use in… … Etymology dictionary
aqueous — [ā′kwē əs, ak′wēəs] adj. [ML aqueus: see AQUA & OUS] 1. of, like, or containing water; watery 2. formed by the action of water, as certain rocks made of sediment 3. of or having to do with the aqueous humor … English World dictionary
aqueous — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ relating to or containing water. ORIGIN from Latin aqua water … English terms dictionary
aqueous — Watery; of, like, or containing water. * * * aque·ous ā kwē əs, ak wē adj 1 a) of, relating to, or resembling water <an aqueous vapor> b) made from, with, or by water <an aqueous solution> 2) of or relating to the aqueous humor… … Medical dictionary
aqueous — [[t]e͟ɪkwiəs[/t]] ADJ: ADJ n In chemistry, an aqueous solution or cream has water as its base. [TECHNICAL] ...an aqueous solution containing various sodium salts. ...a soap substitute such as an aqueous cream, available from chemists. Syn: water… … English dictionary
aqueous — adjective Etymology: Medieval Latin aqueus, from Latin aqua Date: 1646 1. a. of, relating to, or resembling water b. made from, with, or by water < an aqueous solution > 2. of or relating to the aqueous humor … New Collegiate Dictionary
aqueous — adj. 1 of, containing, or like water. 2 Geol. produced by water (aqueous rocks). Phrases and idioms: aqueous humour Anat. the clear fluid in the eye between the lens and the cornea. Etymology: med.L aqueus f. L aqua water … Useful english dictionary
aqueous — aqueously, adv. aqueousness, n. /ay kwee euhs, ak wee /, adj. 1. of, like, or containing water; watery: an aqueous solution. 2. (of rocks or sediments) formed of matter deposited in or by water. [1635 45; AQU(A) + EOUS] * * * … Universalium
aqueous — adj. Aqueous is used with these nouns: ↑solution … Collocations dictionary
aqueous — a•que•ous [[t]ˈeɪ kwi əs, ˈæk wi [/t]] adj. 1) of, like, or containing water; watery: an aqueous solution[/ex] 2) gel (of rocks or sediments) formed of matter deposited in or by water • Etymology: 1635–45; < Laqu(a)water + eous a′que•ous•ly,… … From formal English to slang