- apportionment
- вододеление (между участниками водохозяйственного комплекса, административно-территориальными единицами)
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
apportionment — I noun administration, allocation, allotment, allowance, assignment, assignment in proportion, consignment, disposition, distribution, division, division in proportion, doling out, issuance, just division, measuring out, meting out, partition,… … Law dictionary
Apportionment — Ap*por tion*ment, n. [Cf. F. apportionnement, LL. apportionamentum.] The act of apportioning; a dividing into just proportions or shares; a division or shares; a division and assignment, to each proprietor, of his just portion of an undivided… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
apportionment — (n.) 1620s, from APPORTION (Cf. apportion) + MENT (Cf. ment). Perhaps influenced by Fr. apportionnement … Etymology dictionary
apportionment — [ə pôr′shənmənt] n. 1. an apportioning or being apportioned 2. a proportional distribution or assignment, as of U.S. Representatives among the states, or of state legislators among counties, etc … English World dictionary
Apportionment — This article is about apportionment in law. See also apportionment (politics) The legal term apportionment (French apportionement; Med. Latin apportionamentum; derived from Latin portio , share) means distribution or allotment in proper shares.… … Wikipedia
apportionment — /aporshanmant/ The process by which legislative seats are distributed among units entitled to representation. Determination of the number of representatives which a State, county, or other subdivision may send to a legislative body. he U.S.… … Black's law dictionary
apportionment — /aporshanmant/ The process by which legislative seats are distributed among units entitled to representation. Determination of the number of representatives which a State, county, or other subdivision may send to a legislative body. he U.S.… … Black's law dictionary
apportionment — A method of calculating the proportion of input tax applicable to business use, if goods or services are used for business and non business purposes. HM Customs & Revenue Glossary * * * apportionment ap‧por‧tion‧ment [əˈpɔːʆnmənt ǁ ɔːr ] noun… … Financial and business terms
Apportionment — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Apportionment >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 apportionment apportionment allotment consignment assignment appointment Sgm: N 1 appropriation appropriation Sgm: N 1 dispensation dispensation distribution Sgm: N 1 division … English dictionary for students
Apportionment — The allocation of a loss between all of the insurance companies that insure a piece of property. This allocation is used to determine a percentage of liability for each insurer. For example, three insurers who each cover $30,000 on a $90,000… … Investment dictionary
apportionment — In the general sense, distribution for planning of limited resources among competing requirements. Specific apportionments (e.g., air sorties and forces for planning) are described as apportionment of air sorties and forces for planning, etc. See … Military dictionary