applied work

applied work
затраченная работа

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "applied work" в других словарях:

  • Applied Organometallic Chemistry — Infobox Journal discipline = Chemistry abbreviation = Appl Organomet Chem website = bin/jhome/3767 publisher = John Wiley Sons country = flag|United Kingdom history = 1987 to present ISSN = 1099 0739Applied… …   Wikipedia

  • work — n 1 Work, labor, travail, toil, drudgery, grind are comparable when they mean effort or exertion directed to the accomplishment of an end, or an employment or activity which involves such expenditure of effort or exertion. Work is the most… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Applied academics — is an approach to learning and teaching that focuses on how (communications, mathematics, science, and basic literacy) can apply to the real world.cite web url= aaffairs/GLOSSARY.HTML title=Glossary publisher=Hocking… …   Wikipedia

  • Applied History — is history taught in a way to incorporate historical events in a hands on environment encouraging historical analysis, investigation, museum studies, archival work, historic preservation, documentaries and firsthand experience.Applied History is… …   Wikipedia

  • Applied behavior analysis — (ABA) is the science of applying experimentally derived principles of behavior to improve socially significant behavior. ABA takes what we know about behavior and uses it to bring about positive change (Applied). Behaviors are defined in… …   Wikipedia

  • Applied Biosystems — Applied Biosystems, Inc. (formerly nasdaq2|ABIO) is the original name of a pioneer biotechnology company founded in 1981 in Foster City, California, in the San Francisco Bay Area. [ HERRITAGE… …   Wikipedia

  • Applied folklore — is the branch of folkloristics concerned with the study and use of folklore and traditional cultural materials to address or solve real social problems. The term was coined in 1939 in a talk by folklorist Benjamin A. Botkin who, along with Alan… …   Wikipedia

  • Applied aesthetics — is the application of the branch of philosophy of aesthetics to cultural constructs.Film, television, and videoFilm combines many diverse disciplines, each of which may have their own rules of aesthetics. The aesthetics of cinematography are… …   Wikipedia

  • Work hardening — Work hardening, also known as strain hardening or cold working, is the strengthening of a metal by plastic deformation. This strengthening occurs because of dislocation movements within the crystal structure of the material.[1] Any material with… …   Wikipedia

  • Applied Drama — is an umbrella term for the wider use of drama practice in a specific social context and environment. This practice doesn t have to take place in a conventional theatre space. It can be shared with, or created for, a specific audience, making… …   Wikipedia

  • Applied physics — redirects here. For other uses, see Applied physics (disambiguation) Applied physics is a general term for physics which is intended for a particular technological or practical use. Applied is distinguished from pure by a subtle combination of… …   Wikipedia

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