anvil beak

anvil beak
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Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "anvil beak" в других словарях:

  • beak|i|ron — «BEEK Y uhrn», noun. 1. the horn or tapering end of an anvil. 2. an anvil with such a horn. ╂[earlier bickern < French bigorne < Latin bicornis two horned < bi two + cornū horn] …   Useful english dictionary

  • anvil — /an vil/, n. 1. a heavy iron block with a smooth face, frequently of steel, on which metals, usually heated until soft, are hammered into desired shapes. 2. anything having a similar form or use. 3. the fixed jaw in certain measuring instruments …   Universalium

  • Anvil — An anvil is a manufacturing tool, made of a hard and massive block of stone or metal used as a support for chiseling and hammering other objects, such as in forging iron and steel items. HistoryAnvils have been used since early Bronze Age times… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Ace Lightning characters — This is a list of characters from the fictional world of Ace Lightning, an action adventure superhero themed television show combining live action and CGI characters. The series lasted thirty nine episodes, lasting for two seasons. Contents 1… …   Wikipedia

  • Cockatoo — For other uses, see Cockatoo (disambiguation). Cockatoo …   Wikipedia

  • Pruning shears — Secateurs (in British English), also called hand pruners or pruning shears, are a type of scissors for use with plants. They are strong enough to prune hard branches of trees and shrubs, sometimes up to two centimetres thick. They are used in… …   Wikipedia

  • Beakiron — Beak i*ron, n. [From {Bickern}.] A bickern; a bench anvil with a long beak, adapted to reach the interior surfaces of sheet metal ware; the horn of an anvil. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bickiron — ˈbikə(r)n, ˌkīə(r)n noun Etymology: by folk etymology (influence of English iron) from earlier bickern, bycorne taper end of an anvil, anvil with two taper ends, modification of Middle French bigorne anvil with two taper ends, from Latin bicornia …   Useful english dictionary

  • List of characters from Kung Fu Panda — The following is a list of characters from the 2008 DreamWorks animated film Kung Fu Panda .Po*Species: Giant Panda *Combat style: Improvised *Voice actor: Jack BlackPo is the main character of Kung Fu Panda . His early life is largely unrevealed …   Wikipedia

  • evolution — evolutional, adj. evolutionally, adv. /ev euh looh sheuhn/ or, esp. Brit., /ee veuh /, n. 1. any process of formation or growth; development: the evolution of a language; the evolution of the airplane. 2. a product of such development; something… …   Universalium

  • Stone Age — the period in the history of humankind, preceding the Bronze Age and the Iron Age, and marked by the use of stone implements and weapons: subdivided into the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic periods. [1860 65] * * * First known period of… …   Universalium

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