- antifluoridationist
- противник добавления фтора в общественные водопроводы
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
antifluoridationist — noun Date: 1961 a person opposed to the fluoridation of public water supplies … New Collegiate Dictionary
antifluoridationist — n. * * * … Universalium
antifluoridationist — noun One who opposes the addition of fluoride to the public water supply … Wiktionary
antifluoridationist — an·ti·flu·o·ri·da·tion·ist .flu̇r ə dāsh (ə )nəst n a person who is vigorously opposed to the fluoridation of public water supplies … Medical dictionary
antifluoridationist — an·ti·flu·o·ri·da·tion·ist … English syllables
antifluoridationist — an ti•fluor i•da′tion•ist n … From formal English to slang
antifluoridationist — ¦ ̷ ̷ (ˌ) ̷ ̷ ˌflu̇rə¦dāsh(ə)nə̇st, ōr , ȯr noun ( s) Etymology: anti (I) + fluoridation + ist : a person who is vigorously opposed to the fluoridation of public water supplies * * * n … Useful english dictionary
Water fluoridation — Fluoridation does not affect the appearance, taste or smell of drinking water.[1] Water fluoridation is the controlled addition of fluoride to a public water supply to reduce tooth decay. Fluoridated water has flu … Wikipedia
List of conspiracy theories — The list of conspiracy theories is a collection of the most popular unproven theories related but not limited to clandestine government plans, elaborate murder plots, suppression of secret technology and knowledge, and other supposed schemes… … Wikipedia
Фторирование воды — Фторирование не влияет на внешний вид, вкус и запах воды.[1] Фто … Википедия
Terapia de fluoruro — La terapia de fluoruro es el suministro de fluoruro a los dientes tópico o sistemáticamente para prevenir la caries que resulta en cavidades. Más comúnmente, el fluoruro es aplicado tópicamente a los dientes usando los gels, los barnices, pasta… … Wikipedia Español