- anthropometry
- антропометрия
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Anthropometry — An thro*pom e*try, n. [Gr. ? man + mercy.] Measurement of the height and other dimensions of human beings, especially at different ages, or in different races, occupations, etc. Dunglison. [1913 Webster] || … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
anthropometry — (n.) 1839, acquaintance with the dimensions of the parts of the human body, from ANTHROPO (Cf. anthropo ) + METRY (Cf. metry). Perhaps modeled on Fr. anthropometrie … Etymology dictionary
anthropometry — [an΄thrō päm′ə trē, an΄thrəpäm′ə trē] n. a branch of anthropology dealing with measurement of the human body to determine differences in individuals, groups, etc.: it is used in medicine, space programs, archaeology, etc. anthropometric… … English World dictionary
Anthropometry — Illustration from The Speaking Portrait (Pearson s Magazine, Vol XI, January to June 1901) demonstrating the principles of Bertillon s anthropometry. Anthropometry (Greek anthropos (άνθρωπος man ) and metron (μέτρον measure ) therefore… … Wikipedia
anthropometry — anthropometric /an threuh peuh me trik, poh /, anthropometrical, adj. anthropometrically, adv. anthropometrist, n. /an threuh pom i tree/, n. the measurement of the size and proportions of the human body. [1830 40; ANTHROPO + METRY] * * * ▪ … Universalium
anthropometry — antropometrija statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Žmogaus kūno matavimas, vienas svarbiausių antropologijos metodų. Skiriama somatometrija (viso kūno matavimas), cefalometrija (galvos matavimas), kraniometrija (kaukolės… … Sporto terminų žodynas
Anthropometry of the upper arm — The anthropometry of the upper arm is a set of measurements of the shape of the upper arms. Large, saggy flaps of skin under the arm are colloquially known as bingo wings,[1] after the phrase was popularised by the comedy television program Bo… … Wikipedia
anthropometry — noun Etymology: French anthropométrie, from anthrop + métrie metry Date: circa 1839 the study of human body measurements especially on a comparative basis • anthropometric adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
anthropometry — noun /ænθrəʊˈpɒmɪtrɪ/ The science of measuring the human body in order to ascertain the average dimensions of the human form at different ages, and in different divisions of race, class etc … Wiktionary
anthropometry — The branch of anthropology concerned with comparative measurements of the human body. [anthropo + G. metron, measure] * * * an·thro·pom·e·try päm ə trē n, pl tries the study of human body measurements esp. on a comparative basis… … Medical dictionary
anthropometry — n. measurement of the human body and its proportions (Anthropology) … English contemporary dictionary