- angular distribution
- угловое распределение
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
angular distribution — kampinis pasiskirstymas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. angular distribution vok. Winkelverteilung, f rus. угловое распределение, n pranc. distribution angulaire, f; répartition angulaire, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
distribution angulaire — kampinis pasiskirstymas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. angular distribution vok. Winkelverteilung, f rus. угловое распределение, n pranc. distribution angulaire, f; répartition angulaire, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Angular momentum — For a generally accessible and less technical introduction to the topic, see Introduction to angular momentum. Classical mechanics Newton s Second Law … Wikipedia
Angular spectrum method — The angular spectrum method is a technique for modeling the propagation of a wave field. This technique involves expanding a complex wave field into a summation of infinite number of plane waves. Its mathematical origins lie in the field of… … Wikipedia
Von Mises distribution — Probability distribution name =von Mises type =density pdf The support is chosen to be [ π,π] with μ=0 cdf The support is chosen to be [ π,π] with μ=0 parameters =mu real kappa>0 support =xin any interval of length 2π pdf =frac{e^{kappacos(x… … Wikipedia
Leaf angle distribution — The Leaf Angle Distribution (or LAD) of a plant canopy refers to the mathematical description of the angular orientation of the leaves in the vegetation. Specifically, if each leaf is conceptually represented by a small flat plate, its… … Wikipedia
Cauchy distribution — Not to be confused with Lorenz curve. Cauchy–Lorentz Probability density function The purple curve is the standard Cauchy distribution Cumulative distribution function … Wikipedia
von Mises distribution — von Mises Probability density function The support is chosen to be [ π,π] with μ=0 Cumulative distribution function The support is chosen to be [ π,π] with μ=0 … Wikipedia
Wigner quasi-probability distribution — See also Wigner distribution, a disambiguation page. The Wigner quasi probability distribution (also called the Wigner function or the Wigner Ville distribution) is a special type of quasi probability distribution. It was introduced by Eugene… … Wikipedia
Mass distribution — For other uses, see Weight distribution. Mass distribution is a term used in physics and mechanics and describes the spatial distribution of mass within a solid body. In principle, it is relevant also for gases or liquids, but on earth their mass … Wikipedia
Synchrotron radiation — This article concerns the physical phenomenon of synchrotron radiation. For details on the production of this radiation and applications in laboratories, see Synchrotron light source. The electromagnetic radiation emitted when charged particles… … Wikipedia