- bedrock foundation
- скальное основание* * *скальное основание
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
foundation — foun·da·tion n 1: a basis upon which something stands or is supported; specif: a witness s preliminary testimony given to identify or explain evidence being offered at trial and establish its connection to the issue for which it is offered the… … Law dictionary
bedrock — index center (essence), foundation (basis) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
bedrock — ☆ bedrock [bed′räk΄ ] n. 1. solid rock beneath the soil and superficial rock 2. a secure foundation 3. the very bottom 4. basic principles or facts … English World dictionary
foundation — [n1] basis for something physical or mental ABCs*, authority, base, basics, bed, bedrock, bottom, bottom line*, brass tacks*, foot, footing, ground, groundwork, guts*, heart*, infrastructure, justification, nitty gritty*, nub*, nuts and bolts*,… … New thesaurus
Foundation (engineering) — A foundation is a structure that transfers loads to the earth. Foundations are generally broken into two categories: shallow foundations and deep foundations.hallow foundationsShallow foundations are usually embedded a meter or so into soil. One… … Wikipedia
bedrock — [[t]be̱drɒk[/t]] 1) N SING The bedrock of something is the principles, ideas, or facts on which it is based. Mutual trust is the bedrock of a relationship... Working class voters form the bedrock of Labour s support. ...the bedrock principles of… … English dictionary
bedrock — noun 1) we re digging till we hit bedrock Syn: substratum, substructure, understructure, solid foundation, base, rock base 2) the bedrock of our society Syn: core, basis, base, foundation, roots … Thesaurus of popular words
Foundation Stone — For other uses, see Cornerstone (disambiguation). The Stone south is towards the top of the image The Foundation Stone (Hebrew: אבן השתייה, translit. Even haShetiya) or Rock (Arabic: صخرة translit. Sakhrah, Hebrew: סלע translit.: Sela) is the… … Wikipedia
bedrock — /bed rok /, n. 1. Geol. unbroken solid rock, overlaid in most places by soil or rock fragments. 2. bottom layer; lowest stratum. 3. any firm foundation or basis: Technical courses will be founded on a bedrock of sound, general education so as to… … Universalium
foundation — noun 1) the foundations of a building Syn: footing, foot, base, substructure, infrastructure, underpinning; bottom, bedrock, substratum 2) the report has a scientific foundation Syn: basis, starting point … Thesaurus of popular words
bedrock — noun a) The solid rock that exists at some depth below the ground surface. Bedrock is rock in place , as opposed to material that has been transported from another location by weathering and erosion. b) A basis or foundation … Wiktionary