- air-breathing
- потребляющий воздух (для работы)
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
air-breathing — adjective deriving oxygen from the air he studied respiration in marine air breathing vertebrates large air breathing ichthyosaurs had hydrofoils • Pertains to noun: ↑breathing * * * airˈ breathing adjective (of a means of propulsion) which needs … Useful english dictionary
air-breathing — An engine that sustains its combustion by using oxygen from the incoming air. Both reciprocating and gas turbine engines are air breathing, whereas a rocket carries its own oxygen and, hence, is not an air breathing engine … Aviation dictionary
air-breathing — /ˈɛə briðɪŋ/ (say air breedhing) adjective 1. of or relating to an organism which breathes by taking air into the lungs: air breathing vertebrates. 2. (of a jet engine) requiring an intake of air for the combustion of its fuel …
air-breathing — adjective Date: 1956 of, employing, or being an engine that requires air for combustion … New Collegiate Dictionary
air-breathing missile — A missile with an engine requiring the intake of air for combustion of its fuel, as in a ramjet or turbojet. To be contrasted with the rocket missile, which carries its own oxidizer and can operate beyond the atmosphere … Military dictionary
air breathing fishes — a general term for those fishes that can use atmospheric oxygen by means of an accessory respiratory organ, in addition to their gills. Includes fishes in the Clariidae, Channidae, Belontiidae, Osteoglossidae and the lungfishes (Dipnoi) … Dictionary of ichthyology
Coming Up for Air (Breathing Space album) — Coming up for Air Studio album by Breathing Space Released 2007 … Wikipedia
air-breath|ing — «AIR BREE thihng», adjective. 1. that takes in oxygen from the atmosphere to oxidize its fuel: »air breathing missiles. 2. that respirates or breathes air as a natural process: »air breathing insects … Useful english dictionary
air bladder — air blad der 1. (Anat.) An air sac, sometimes double or variously lobed, in the visceral cavity of many fishes. It originates in the same way as the lungs of air breathing vertebrates, and in the adult may retain a tubular connection with the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
air-breathe — /air breedh /, v.i., air breathed / breedhd /, air breathing. (of an engine, aircraft, missile, etc.) to take in air from the atmosphere to oxidize the fuel for combustion. [AIR1 + BREATHE] * * * … Universalium
air-breathe — /air breedh /, v.i., air breathed / breedhd /, air breathing. (of an engine, aircraft, missile, etc.) to take in air from the atmosphere to oxidize the fuel for combustion. [AIR1 + BREATHE] … Useful english dictionary