air flap

air flap
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Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "air flap" в других словарях:

  • Air New Zealand — IATA NZ ICAO ANZ Callsign NEW ZEALAND …   Wikipedia

  • flap — [flap] n. [ME flappe < the v.] 1. anything flat and broad that is attached at one end and hangs loose or covers an opening [the flap of a pocket] 2. the motion or slapping sound of a swinging flap [the flap of an awning] 3. Archaic a blow with …   English World dictionary

  • Flap — Flap, v. i. 1. To move as do wings, or as something broad or loose; to fly with wings beating the air. [1913 Webster] The crows flapped over by twos and threes. Lowell. [1913 Webster] 2. To fall and hang like a flap, as the brim of a hat, or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • flap — I UK [flæp] / US noun Word forms flap : singular flap plural flaps * 1) [countable] a thin flat piece of something that is fixed to something else along one edge a flap of leather/skin/plastic He held back the flap of the tent. 2) [singular]… …   English dictionary

  • Flap (aircraft) — Flaps are hinged surfaces on the trailing edge of the wings of a fixed wing aircraft. As flaps are extended, the stalling speed of the aircraft is reduced. Flaps are also used on the leading edge of the wings of some high speed jet aircraft,… …   Wikipedia

  • Air flow meter — Contents 1 Types of air flow meters 1.1 In automobiles 1.1.1 Failures …   Wikipedia

  • flap — flap1 [ flæp ] noun * 1. ) count a thin flat piece of something that is fixed to something else along one edge: a flap of leather/skin/plastic He held back the flap of the tent. 2. ) singular INFORMAL a situation in which people are confused,… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Flap consonant — In phonetics, a flap or tap is a type of consonantal sound, which is produced with a single contraction of the muscles so that one articulator (such as the tongue) is thrown against another. Contrast with stops and trillsThe main difference… …   Wikipedia

  • flap — flap1 [flæp] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(flat piece of something)¦ 2¦(movement)¦ 3¦(excitement/worry)¦ 4¦(part of aircraft)¦ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1.) ¦(FLAT PIECE OF SOMETHING)¦ a thin flat piece of cloth, paper, skin etc that is fixed by one edge to a surface, which you… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • air brake — 1. a brake or system of brakes operated by compressed air. 2. Aeron. a device for reducing the air speed of an aircraft by increasing its drag. 3. a device for stopping the sails of a windmill by disrupting the flow of air around them. [1870 75,… …   Universalium

  • flap — 1. Tissue for transplantation, vascularized by a pedicle; f.. SEE ALSO: local f., distant f.. 2. An uncontrolled movement, as of the hands. See asterixis. [M.E. flappe] Abbe f. middle portion of the lower lip transferred into the upper lip and …   Medical dictionary

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