aerodynamic form

aerodynamic form
аэродинамическая форма

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "aerodynamic form" в других словарях:

  • aerodynamic form — aerodinaminė forma statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. aerodynamic form vok. Stromlinienform, f rus. аэродинамическая форма, f pranc. forme aérodynamique, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • aerodynamic form — shape which is designed to move through air easily …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Form follows function — is a principle associated with modern architecture and industrial design in the 20th century. The principle is that the shape of a building or object should be primarily based upon its intended function or purpose. Wainwright Building by Louis… …   Wikipedia

  • Aerodynamic heating — is the heating of a solid body produced by the passage of fluid (such as air) over a body such as a meteor, missile, or airplane. It is a form of forced convection in that the flow field is created by forces beyond those associated with the… …   Wikipedia

  • Aerodynamic drag — Note This article is currently under renovation, and may, at times, appear disjoint. Please see the [ drag Discussion Page] . Introduction Aerodynamic drag refers to the retarding force on moving… …   Wikipedia

  • aerodynamic balance — i. A means of reducing the hinge movement and thereby the physical effort needed to control an aircraft. If control surfaces were hinged at their leading edge and allowed to trail from this position in flight, the forces required to change the… …   Aviation dictionary

  • aerodynamic trail — A condensation trail formed by adiabatic cooling to saturation (or slightly supersaturation) of air passing over the surfaces of high speed aircraft. Aerodynamic trails form off the tips of wings, propellers, and other points of maximum pressure… …   Aviation dictionary

  • Paper plane — This article is about toy aircraft fashioned from paper. For other uses, see Paper plane (disambiguation). Instructions for a traditional paper plane. A paper plane, paper aeroplane (UK), paper airplane (US), paper glider, paper dart or dart is a …   Wikipedia

  • Kammback — A Kammback is a car body style that derives from the research of the German aerodynamicist Wunibald Kamm in the 1930s, this research itself deriving from that of another pioneer German aerodynamicist, Baron Reinhard Koenig Fachsenfeld. Kammback… …   Wikipedia

  • Base bleed — is a system used on some artillery shells to increase their range, typically by about 30%.Most of the drag on an artillery shell comes from the nose of the shell, as it pushes the air out of its way at supersonic speeds. Shaping the shell… …   Wikipedia

  • Nieuport 24 — Charles Nungesser with his Nieuport 24bis. Role fighter / advanced trainer Manufacturer …   Wikipedia

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