- advancement
- продвижение; подача; движение вперёд
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
advancement — ad·vance·ment n: something given in advance; specif: money or property given as a gift by a living person (as by a parent to a child) with the intention that the amount the recipient inherits under the law from the person s estate will be reduced … Law dictionary
Advancement — Ad*vance ment ([a^]d*v[.a]ns ment), n. [OE. avancement, F. avancement. See {Advance}, v. t.] 1. The act of advancing, or the state of being advanced; progression; improvement; furtherance; promotion to a higher place or dignity; as, the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
advancement — advancement, preferment, promotion, elevation designate the act of raising a person in grade, rank, or dignity, or the honor that comes to one who is so raised. Advancement is the general term of widest application {lose all hope of advance me… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
advancement — (n.) c.1300, avauncement, a raising to a higher rank, from O.Fr. avancement advancement, profit, advance payment, from avancer (see ADVANCE (Cf. advance) (v.)). Of money, from 1640s … Etymology dictionary
advancement — [n1] promotion, progress advance, amelioration, betterment, elevation, gain, growth, headway, improvement, preference, preferment, prelation, rise, upgrading; concepts 700,704 Ant. cessation, decline, descent, downfall, regression, retreat,… … New thesaurus
Advancement — (frz., spr. awangßmáng), Beförderung, Aufrücken in eine höhere Stelle; avancieren, vorwärts gehen, vorrücken; befördert werden; im voraus bezahlen … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
advancement — ► NOUN 1) the process of promoting a cause or plan. 2) the promotion of a person in rank or status. 3) a development or improvement … English terms dictionary
advancement — [ad vans′mənt, ədvans′mənt] n. 1. an advancing or being advanced 2. promotion, as to a higher rank 3. progress or improvement; furtherance 4. Law money or property given as an advance share in the estate of a person who later dies without making… … English World dictionary
advancement — money or property given to a person by the deceased before death and intended as an advance against the beneficiary s share in the will. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * advancement UK US /ədˈvɑːnsmənt/ noun ► [C or U] an improvement relating … Financial and business terms
advancement — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ individual, personal ▪ collective ▪ career ▪ social ▪ material … Collocations dictionary
advancement — n. 1) to further, speed smb. s advancement 2) to block smb. s advancement 3) professional advancement 4) rapid, slow advancement * * * [əd vɑːnsmənt] slow advancement speed smb. sadvancement professional advancement rapid to block smb. s… … Combinatory dictionary