administration estates

administration estates
юр. управление имуществом покойного

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "administration estates" в других словарях:

  • administration — ad·min·is·tra·tion /əd ˌmi nə strā shən/ n 1: the act or process of administering the administration of justice 2 a: the management and disposal under court authority of the estate of a deceased person by an executor or an administrator b: the… …   Law dictionary

  • administration of an estate — The court supervised distribution of the probate estate of a deceased person. If there is a will that names an executor, that person manages the distribution. If not, the court appoints someone, who is generally known as the administrator. In… …   Law dictionary

  • Administration of an estate on death — In English law, Administration of an estate on death arises if the deceased is legally intestate. In United States law, the term Estate Administration is used.Where a person dies leaving a will appointing an executor, and that executor validly… …   Wikipedia

  • administration of estates — The management and settlement of the estate of an intestate decedent, or of a testator who has no executor, performed under the supervision of a court, by a person duly qualified and legally appointed, and usually involving: (1) the collection of …   Black's law dictionary

  • administration of estates — The management and settlement of the estate of an intestate decedent, or of a testator who has no executor, performed under the supervision of a court, by a person duly qualified and legally appointed, and usually involving: (1) the collection of …   Black's law dictionary

  • Administration of Estates Act 1925 — The Administration of Estates Act 1925 is a law in the United Kingdom which changed the rule of inheritance from primogeniture to that of modern day norms. The act was passed in 1925.In Sigsworth, Re, Bedford v Bedford (1935), it was interpreted… …   Wikipedia

  • administration — Management or conduct of an office or employment; the performance of the executive duties of an institution, business, or the like. In public law, the administration of government means the practical management and direction of the executive… …   Black's law dictionary

  • administration — Management or conduct of an office or employment; the performance of the executive duties of an institution, business, or the like. In public law, the administration of government means the practical management and direction of the executive… …   Black's law dictionary

  • ADMINISTRATION —    The necessity of keeping reliable and durable records of complex economic transactions was the primary motive for the development of writing in Mesopotamia. The wide network of exchange relations and central control that characterized the… …   Historical Dictionary of Mesopotamia

  • Administration Bond — A bond that is posted on behalf of an administrator of an estate to assure that he or she conducts their duties according to the provisions of the will and/or the legal requirements of the jurisdiction. The bond covers any financial losses to the …   Investment dictionary

  • Mass drug administration — Distribution of antimalarials in Italy in the 1930s The administration of drugs to whole populations irrespective of disease status is referred to as mass drug administration (MDA). This article describes the administration of antimalarial drugs… …   Wikipedia

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