- acoustic tile
- звукоизолирующая плитка* * *звукопоглощающая облицовочная плитка
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
acoustic tile — /əˌkustɪk ˈtaɪl/ (say uh.koohstik tuyl) noun a tile of some soft, sound absorbent material, as cork, used for the interiors of recording studios, concert halls, etc …
acoustic — or acoustical adjective Etymology: Greek akoustikos of hearing, from akouein to hear more at hear Date: 1605 1. of or relating to the sense or organs of hearing, to sound, or to the science of sounds < acoustic apparatus of the ear > < acoustic… … New Collegiate Dictionary
acoustic — Pertaining to sound, e.g., a. meatus, a. nerve. [Gr. akoustikos] * * * acous·tic ə kü stik or acous·ti·cal sti kəl adj of or relating to the sense or organs of hearing, to sound, or to the science of sounds <acoustic apparatus of the ear>… … Medical dictionary
Acoustic signature — is used to describe a combination of acoustic emissions of ships and submarines. Contributing factorsThe acoustic signature is made up of a number of individual elements. These include:*Machinery noise: noise generated by a ships engines,… … Wikipedia
Anechoic tile — Anechoic tiles are rubber or Sorbothane like tiles containing thousands of tiny voids, applied to the outer hulls of military ships and submarines, as well as anechoic chambers. Their function is twofold: *To absorb the sonar sound waves of… … Wikipedia
Faux ceiling tiles — Articleissues advert = April 2008 citations missing = April 2008 external links = April 2008 orphan = April 2008 peacock = April 2008 primarysources = April 2008Faux ceiling tiles were developed to keep up with the high demand for the tin and… … Wikipedia
pumice — pumiceous /pyooh mish euhs/, adj. pumicer, n. /pum is/, n., v., pumiced, pumicing. n. 1. Also called pumice stone. a porous or spongy form of volcanic glass, used as an abrasive. v.t. 2. to rub, smooth, clean, etc., with pumice. [bef. 1000; < L… … Universalium
a|cous´ti|cal|ly — a|cous|tic «uh KOOS tihk, KOWS », adjective. 1. having to do with the sense or the organs of hearing. 2. having to do with the science of sound (acoustics). 3. a) of or having to do with sound waves or sound. b) actuated, directed, or controlled… … Useful english dictionary
a|cous|tic — «uh KOOS tihk, KOWS », adjective. 1. having to do with the sense or the organs of hearing. 2. having to do with the science of sound (acoustics). 3. a) of or having to do with sound waves or sound. b) actuated, directed, or controlled by sound… … Useful english dictionary
Columbia High School (New Jersey) — Columbia High School Excelsior Locati … Wikipedia
bagasse — /beuh gas /, n. 1. crushed sugar cane or beet refuse from sugar making. 2. paper made from fibers of bagasse. [1820 30, Amer.; < F < AmerSp, Sp bagazo, deriv. of baga seed capsule of the flax plant (presumably orig. of any fruit) < L baca berry;… … Universalium