- abscission
- листопад; опадение листьев
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Abscission — (from Latin abscindere, from ab ‘off, away’ + scindere ‘to cut’) is the shedding of a body part. It most commonly refers to the process by which a plant intentionally drops one or more of its parts, such as a leaf, fruit, flower or seed, though… … Wikipedia
abscission — ● abscission nom féminin (latin abscissio, de abscindere, couper) Rupture normale du pédoncule des feuilles d automne ou des fruits mûrs, entraînant leur chute. ⇒ABSCISION, ABSCISSION, subst. fém. CHIR., vieilli. Synon. de excision, action de… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Abscission — Ab*scis sion, n. [L. abscissio. See {Abscind}.] 1. The act or process of cutting off. Not to be cured without the abscission of a member. Jer. Taylor. [1913 Webster] 2. The state of being cut off. Sir T. Browne. [1913 Webster] 3. (Rhet.) A figure … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
abscission — index cancellation Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
abscission — (n.) removal or cutting away, early 15c., from L. abscissionem (nom. abscissio) a cutting off, noun of action from pp. stem of abscindere (see ABSCISSA (Cf. abscissa)) … Etymology dictionary
abscission — [ab sizh′ən] n. [ME abscisioun < L abscissio: see ABSCISSA] 1. a cutting off, as by surgery 2. the normal separation of fruit, leaves, etc. from plants by the development of a thin layer of pithy cells at the base of their stems … English World dictionary
Abscission — Abszission bezeichnet das Abwerfen von Blättern, Früchten und anderen Pflanzenteilen wie Laub und Blütenknospen, Zweigen, Stacheln, Dornen oder Blütenständen. Man spricht daher auch vom Blattfall, Fruchtfall, Laubfall, Knospenfall, Blütenfall.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
abscission — noun Etymology: Middle English abscisioun, from Anglo French abscission, Latin abscission , abscissio, from abscindere Date: 15th century 1. the act or process of cutting off ; removal 2. the natural separation of flowers … New Collegiate Dictionary
Abscission — L abscission est le processus par lequel un fruit ou une feuille se détache de l arbre (s effeuille). Elle dépend de l équilibre entre plusieurs régulateurs de croissance aux effets antagoniste. L auxine et les brassinostéroïdes ont un effet… … Wikipédia en Français
abscission — /ab sizh euhn, sish /, n. 1. the act of cutting off; sudden termination. 2. Bot. the normal separation of flowers, fruit, and leaves from plants. [1605 15; < L abscission (s. of abscissio). See ABSCISSA, ION] * * * … Universalium
abscission — noun a) The act or process of cutting off. Not to be cured without the abscission of a member. b) The state of being cut off. See Also: abscise, abscisic, abscisic acid, abscisin, abscissin … Wiktionary