- abnormal
- аномальный; аварийный
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
abnormal — abnormal, atypical, aberrant mean deviating markedly from the rule or standard of its kind. All are used in the sciences, as in biology and psychology, to express non conformity to type. Abnormal frequently connotes strangeness or excess and… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Abnormal — Ab*nor mal, a. [For earlier anormal, F. anormal, LL. anormalus for anomalus, Gr. ?. Confused with L. abnormis. See {Anomalous}, {Abnormous}, {Anormal}.] Not conformed to rule or system; deviating from the type; anomalous; irregular. That… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
abnormal — I adjective aberrant, amorphous, anomalous, bizarre, curious, deviative, disordered, divergent, eccentric, erratic, exceptional, freakish, frenetic, idiocratic, idiosyncratic, irregular, monstrous, odd, outlandish, peculiar, preternatural,… … Law dictionary
abnormal — abnormal:1.⇨abnorm(1)–2.⇨ungewöhnlich … Das Wörterbuch der Synonyme
abnormal — (adj.) 1835, displaced older abnormous (1742) and rival anormal (1835) under influence of L. abnormis deviating from a rule, from ab off, away from (see AB (Cf. ab )) + norma rule (see NORM (Cf. norm)). The older forms were via O.Fr. anormal (13c … Etymology dictionary
abnormal — [adj] different from standard or norm aberrant, anomalistic, anomalous, atypical, bizarre, curious, deviant, deviate, deviating, divergent, eccentric, exceptional, extraordinary, fantastic, funny, grody*, gross, heteroclite, heterodox,… … New thesaurus
abnormal — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ deviating from what is normal. DERIVATIVES abnormality noun abnormally adverb. ORIGIN Greek an malos uneven , related to ANOMALOUS(Cf. ↑anomalousness) … English terms dictionary
abnormal — [ab nôr′məl, əbnôr′məl] adj. [earlier anormal < Fr anormal, anomal < LL anomalus < Gr anōmalos (see ANOMALOUS) infl. by L abnormis < ab , from + norma, NORM] not normal; not average; not typical; not usual; irregular, esp. to a… … English World dictionary
abnormal — Not normal; differing in any way from the usual state, structure, condition, or rule. * * * ab·nor·mal ( )ab nȯr məl adj deviating from the normal, average, or expected <abnormal development> <results of the Pap smear were abnormal>… … Medical dictionary
abnormal — abnormally, adv. abnormalness, n. /ab nawr meuhl/, adj. 1. not normal, average, typical, or usual; deviating from a standard: abnormal powers of concentration; an abnormal amount of snow; abnormal behavior. 2. extremely or excessively large:… … Universalium
abnormal — adjective very different from usual in a way that seems strange, worrying, wrong, or dangerous: abnormal behaviour | an abnormal level of cholesterol | abnormal for sb to do sth: My parents thought it was abnormal for a boy to be interested in… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English