- 40-foot container
- 40-футовый контейнер
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Container ship — Two container ships pass in San Francisco Bay Class overview Name: Container ship Subclasses: (1) Geared or gearless … Wikipedia
Container crane — Container cranes A container crane (also container handling gantry crane, ship to shore crane ) is a design of large dockside gantry cranes found at container terminals for loading and unloading intermodal containers from container ships … Wikipedia
Container — may refer to: Items used to contain, store, and transport products, such as: Carton Bottle Can (disambiguation), several meanings Shipping containers include Crate Wooden box Intermodal container, aka Ship container or Cargo container Twenty foot … Wikipedia
Container (board game) — Container is an economic simulation board game for three to five players. The game is themed around the shipping industry, and the primary pieces in the game are shipping containers, hence the name of the game. The players in container produce,… … Wikipedia
Container Terminal 9 — from Tsing Yi Peak, Tsing Yi Island, Hong Kong Container Terminal 9 or CT9 (Chinese: 九號貨櫃碼頭) is the 9th container terminal in Hong Kong. It is located on Tsing Yi Island, facing Rambler Channel. It was the part of Kwai Tsi … Wikipedia
Container-Terminal Salzburg — Container Terminal Salzburg Ges.m.b.H. Rechtsform GmbH Gründung 2001 Sitz Salzburg, Österreich Leitung Leonhard Schitter GF, Otto Hawlicek GF, Richard Lagger BL … Deutsch Wikipedia
Container — Recycling Container Ein Container [ˌkɔnˈteːnɐ, ˌkɔnˈtɛɪnɐ] (lateinisch continere ‚zusammenhalten‘, ‚enthalten‘) bezeichnet meist Großraum Behälter zur Lagerung und zum Transport von Gütern. Sie existieren in vers … Deutsch Wikipedia
Container (Transport und Verkehr) — 40 Fuß Container Im Mannheimer Containerhafen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Twenty-foot equivalent unit — a standard sized metal box which can be easily transferred between different modes of transportation, such as ships, trains and trucks. A related unit, the forty foot equivalent unit (often FEU or feu) is defined as two TEU. One TEU represents… … Wikipedia
Intermodal container — A 40 foot (12.19 m) long shipping container. Each of the eight corners has a simple twistlock fitting for stacking, locking and craning … Wikipedia
ISO-Container — 40 Fuß Container … Deutsch Wikipedia