- xyst
- открытая колоннада* * *колоннада с крышей
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Xyst — Xyst, Xystus Xys tus, n. [L. xystus, Gr. ?, from ? to scrape, polish; so called from its smooth and polished floor.] (Anc. Arch.) A long and open portico, for athletic exercises, as wrestling, running, etc., for use in winter or in stormy weather … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
xyst — ˈzist noun ( s) Etymology: Latin xystus : xystus * * * /zist/, n. 1. (in ancient Greek and Roman architecture) a covered portico, as a promenade. 2. (in an ancient Roman villa) a garden walk planted with trees. Also … Useful english dictionary
xyst — /zist/, n. 1. (in ancient Greek and Roman architecture) a covered portico, as a promenade. 2. (in an ancient Roman villa) a garden walk planted with trees. Also, xystum, xystus. [1655 65; < L xystus garden terrace, shaded walk < Gk xystós a… … Universalium
xyst — noun A xystus … Wiktionary
xyst — er, o, r (G). Scraped; a scraper … Dictionary of word roots and combining forms
Xystus — Xyst Xyst, Xystus Xys tus, n. [L. xystus, Gr. ?, from ? to scrape, polish; so called from its smooth and polished floor.] (Anc. Arch.) A long and open portico, for athletic exercises, as wrestling, running, etc., for use in winter or in stormy… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Xystarch — Xyst arch, n. [L. xystarches, Gr. ?, ? a xyst + ? to rule.] (Gr. Antiq.) An office? having the superintendence of the xyst. Dr. W. Smith. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Xystus (architectural term) — Xystus was the Greek architectural term for the covered portico of the gymnasium, in which the exercises took place during the winter or in rainy weather, etc. The Romans applied the term to the garden walk in front of the porticoes, which was… … Wikipedia
xys|tus — «ZIHS tuhs», noun. = xyst. (Cf. ↑xyst) … Useful english dictionary
Xysticus — Taxobox name = Xysticus image width = 250px image caption = Xysticus sp. regnum = Animalia phylum = Arthropoda classis = Arachnida ordo = Araneae familia = Thomisidae genus = Xysticus genus authority = L. Koch, 1835 diversity link = List of… … Wikipedia
Pons Aurelius — Ponte Sisto Ponte Sisto Der Ponte Sisto ist eine steinerne Straßenbrücke in der Altstadt von Rom mit einer Länge von 105 m und einer Breite von 20 m. Sie wurde im Jahr 1479 … Deutsch Wikipedia