- well head
- устье [оголовок] скважины или трубчатого колодца
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
well|head — «WEHL HEHD», noun. 1. a spring of water. 2. the head or top of a well; site of a well: »the price of gas at the wellhead. 3. Figurative. the chief source of fountainhead of anything … Useful english dictionary
well-head — n. Spring, fountain, well, well spring, source … New dictionary of synonyms
well head — n. spring; fountain; structure built over a well … English contemporary dictionary
well head — noun 1》 the place where a spring comes out of the ground. 2》 the structure over a well … English new terms dictionary
well-head — … Useful english dictionary
well — 1. adv., adj., & int. adv. (better, best) 1 in a satisfactory way (you have worked well). 2 in the right way (well said; you did well to tell me). 3 with some talent or distinction (plays the piano well). 4 in a kind way (treated me well). 5… … Useful english dictionary
well-spring — n. Spring, fountain, well, well head, source of continual supply … New dictionary of synonyms
well — I. n. 1. Spring, fountain, well head, well spring. 2. Source, origin. II. v. n. Issue, spring, flow. III. ad. 1. Rightly, justly, in a proper manner. 2. Properly, suitably, correctly, accurately, thoroughly, skilfully, not amiss … New dictionary of synonyms
Head and neck anatomy — focuses on the structures of the head and neck of the human body, including the brain, bones, muscles, blood vessels, nerves, glands, nose, mouth, teeth, tongue, and throat. It is an area frequently studied in depth by surgeons, dentists, dental… … Wikipedia
Head-on collision — with two cars involved … Wikipedia
Well Bargained and Done — is the second episode of .PlotOn the desert planet named DustballAdam, Hawkins and Specter walk the streets of a domed city, looking for any halfway decent mechwarriors they can find to join the Strikers (because, as Adam reminds Hawkins, all the … Wikipedia