- beading plane
- калёвка (вид рубанка)* * *калёвка (вид рубанка)
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
beading plane — noun a plane with a concave blade for making moulding with beadwork • Hypernyms: ↑plane, ↑carpenter s plane, ↑woodworking plane * * * noun : a carpenter s plane with a cutter having a semicircular concave edge for making beads on molding … Useful english dictionary
plane — Synonyms and related words: aeroplane, aircraft, airliner, airplane, alabaster, amount, aspire, avion, beading plane, become airborne, bench plane, billiard table, block plane, bowling alley, bowling green, caliber, capping plane, claw skyward,… … Moby Thesaurus
plane — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. level, stratum, grade, surface; jointer, block, or jack plane. adj. level, flat. v. t. smooth, mill, even, traverse, shave, level. v. i. glide. See aviation, horizontal, smoothness. II (Roget s IV)… … English dictionary for students
carpenter's plane — noun a carpenter s hand tool with an adjustable blade for smoothing or shaping wood the cabinetmaker used a plane for the finish work • Syn: ↑plane, ↑woodworking plane • Derivationally related forms: ↑plane (for: ↑plane) … Useful english dictionary
woodworking plane — noun a carpenter s hand tool with an adjustable blade for smoothing or shaping wood the cabinetmaker used a plane for the finish work • Syn: ↑plane, ↑carpenter s plane • Derivationally related forms: ↑plane (for: ↑plane) … Useful english dictionary
beader — ˈbēdə(r) noun ( s) 1. a. : a tool or machine for making a bead (as about the end of a boiler tube) b. : beading plane 2. : a worker who attaches beads or finishes with beading … Useful english dictionary
Калевочник — столярный инструмент с фигурным резцом для профильной обработки лицевых поверхностей деталей, брусков или досок. Подошва калевочника имеет форму зеркальную форме профиля. По английски: Beading plane Синонимы: Калевка См. также: Рубанки Кромки… … Финансовый словарь
arts, East Asian — Introduction music and visual and performing arts of China, Korea, and Japan. The literatures of these countries are covered in the articles Chinese literature, Korean literature, and Japanese literature. Some studies of East Asia… … Universalium
Molding (decorative) — For other uses, see Molding (disambiguation). Cavetto molding and resulting shadow pattern Ovolo molding and resulting shadow pattern … Wikipedia
Supermarine Seafire — infobox Aircraft name = Seafire type = Carrier based fighter manufacturer = Supermarine caption = A Seafire XV in Royal Canadian Navy service. designer = first flight = introduced = retired = status = primary user = Royal Navy more users = French … Wikipedia
Takla Lake First Nation — Takla Lake Nation is a First Nation based around Takla Lake, 400km north of Prince George, British Columbia, Canada. The main community is at the north end of Takla Lake, but the band services 17 reserves totaling 809 hectares. Takla Lake First… … Wikipedia