Waterproofing — Wa ter*proof ing, n. 1. The act or process of making waterproof. [1913 Webster] 2. Same as {Waterproof}, n., 1. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
waterproofing — [wôt′ər pro͞of΄iŋ] n. 1. the act or process of making something waterproof 2. any substance used for this … English World dictionary
Waterproofing — Waterproof or water resistant describes objects unaffected by water or resisting water passage, or which are covered with a material that resists or does not allow water passage. Such items may be used in wet environments or under water.… … Wikipedia
waterproofing — hidroizoliacinė medžiaga statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Medžiaga, statybose naudojama apsaugoti nuo vandens. atitikmenys: angl. hydraulic insulating material; waterproofer; waterproofing rus. гидроизоляционный материал … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
waterproofing — noun Date: 1845 1. a. the act or process of making something waterproof b. the condition of being made waterproof 2. something (as a coating) capable of imparting waterproofness … New Collegiate Dictionary
waterproofing — /waw teuhr prooh fing, wot euhr /, n. 1. a substance by which something is made waterproof. 2. the act or process of making something waterproof. [1835 45; WATERPROOF + ING1] * * * … Universalium
waterproofing — noun a) The treatment of something to make it waterproof b) A waterproof material … Wiktionary
waterproofing — n. raincoat; water resistant fabric v. make water resistant, make impervious to water adj. impervious to water … English contemporary dictionary
waterproofing — wa•ter•proof•ing [[t]ˈwɔ tərˌpru fɪŋ, ˈwɒt ər [/t]] n. 1) a substance used to make something waterproof 2) the act or process of making something waterproof • Etymology: 1835–45 … From formal English to slang
waterproofing — /ˈwɔtəprufɪŋ/ (say wawtuhproohfing) noun 1. the material used to make something waterproof. 2. the act or process of making something waterproof. {waterproof + ing1} …
waterproofing — noun 1. the act of treating something to make it repel water (Freq. 1) • Syn: ↑sealing • Derivationally related forms: ↑seal (for: ↑sealing), ↑waterproof … Useful english dictionary