- water quality monitoring
- контроль за состоянием качества воды* * *регулирование качества воды
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Water quality — A rosette sampler is used to collect samples in deep water, such as the Great Lakes or oceans, for water quality testing. Water quality is the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of water.[1] It is a measure of the condition of… … Wikipedia
Drinking water quality legislation of the United States — In the United States, public drinking water is governed by the laws and regulations enacted by the federal and state governments. Certain ordinances may also be created at a more local level. The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) is the principal… … Wikipedia
Water supply and sanitation in Spain — is characterized by universal access and generally good service quality, while tariffs are among the lowest in the EU. [ [http://www.iwahq.org/uploads/sgs/sg%20on%20statistic%20and%20ec/doc%20and%20reports/IWA%20international%20statistics%200806.p… … Wikipedia
Water supply and sanitation in Ireland — Water supply and sanitation services in Ireland, in contrast to most countries in the world, are provided free of charge to domestic users since 1997. Only non domestic users are billed for these services. The bulk of the costs of service… … Wikipedia
Drinking water quality in the United States — is a source of concern about pollutants in certain localities. In 2006, 89.3 percent of the nation s community water systems were in compliance with all of more than 90 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards.[1]:220 Most of the… … Wikipedia
Water supply and sanitation in Uganda — Since 2000, NWSC has worked under performance contracts with the national government, each covering three years. The contracts contain precise performance indicators, which the NWSC is expected to achieve. For example, the 2003 2006 contract… … Wikipedia
Water resources management in Uruguay — Source : WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme ( [http://www.wssinfo.org/en/welcome.html JMP] /2006). Data for [http://www.wssinfo.org/pdf/country/URY wat.pdf water] and [http://www.wssinfo.org/pdf/country/URY san.pdf sanitation] based on the WHO … Wikipedia
Water Sampling Stations — To enhance water quality monitoring in a drinking water network sampling stations are installed along the route of the water network. Water sampling stations are connected to next water main and have a little sink. Water samples are analyzed for… … Wikipedia
Water supply and sanitation in the United States — is provided by towns and cities, public utilities that span several jurisdictions and rural cooperatives. About 15 million Americans are served by their own wells. Public water supply and sanitation systems are regulated by state level regulatory … Wikipedia
Water supply and sanitation in Venezuela — is characterized by insufficient coverage and service quality, despite the country s oil wealth. Increases in coverage in the 1990 2001 period have been limited; more recent coverage figures are not readily available.Investments in the sector are … Wikipedia
Water supply and sanitation in Latin America — is characterized by insufficient access and in many cases by poor service quality, with detrimental impacts on public health. Water and sanitation services are provided by a vast array of mostly local service providers under an often fragmented… … Wikipedia