- water conduit
- водопровод* * *водовод
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
water conduit — pipe laid under roads and used for transferring water … English contemporary dictionary
national water conduit — Israeli water transference system from the north of the country to the south … English contemporary dictionary
Conduit at Aldgate Without — A fair water conduit, hard without the Gate (Aldgate), erected 1535 (Stow, ed. 1603, p. 129). One of the many conduits, supplying the inhabitants of the City with water. Hatton, writing in 1708, says the conduits were much used in his time … Dictionary of London
Conduit Road — as from the view of No.2 Conduit Rd. The view encompasses the slope section (The section leading up from Glenealy; the spiral slope ; one of the steepest roads in Hong Kong. Traditional Chinese … Wikipedia
Conduit — Con duit (? or ?; 277), n. [F., fr. LL. conductus escort, conduit. See {Conduct}.] 1. A pipe, canal, channel, or passage for conveying water or fluid. [1913 Webster] All the conduits of my blood froze up. Shak. [1913 Webster] This is the fountain … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Water and wastewater infrastructure — is a generic term to describe public works, piping and plant facilities that treat and distribute drinking water taken from the environment and deliver it for use to a community and also the cycle that manages and treats the wastewater that come… … Wikipedia
water-pipe — c.1400, conduit for water, from WATER (Cf. water) (n.1) + PIPE (Cf. pipe). The smoking sense is first attested 1824 … Etymology dictionary
conduit — ► NOUN 1) a channel for conveying water or other fluid. 2) a tube or trough protecting electric wiring. ORIGIN Old French, from Latin conductus, from conducere bring together … English terms dictionary
Conduit Head — Coordinates: 52°12′51″N 0°05′23″E / 52.2143°N 0.0897°E / 52.2143; 0.0897 Conduit Head is a property located on the west … Wikipedia
Conduit at Dowgate — A conduit of Thames water made 1568 at the cost of the citizens, and called the Conduit upon Downgate (S. 231) at the upper end of Dowgate Hill. Shown in Leake, 1666. An engine erected near to a house in Cosin Lane to convey the Thames… … Dictionary of London
Conduit — (Roget s Thesaurus) >Channel for the passage of water. < N PARAG:Conduit >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 conduit conduit channel duct watercourse race Sgm: N 1 head race head race tail race Sgm: N 1 abito abito aboideau … English dictionary for students