- water budget
- водный баланс* * *водный баланс
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
water budget — vandens balansas statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Vandens pritekėjimo ir sunaudojimo elementų tam tikrame plote (vandeningoje sistemoje) kiekybinė išraiška (elementų algebrinė suma). Vandens pritekėjimo elementai yra šie:… … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
water budget — The quantitative accounting of water volumes involved in the hydrologic cycle [16] … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
water budget — noun see water bouget 2 … Useful english dictionary
water bouget — /booh jit/ 1. (formerly) a leather bag suspended at each end of a pole or yoke and used for carrying water. 2. Also, water budget. Heraldry. a representation of a pair of these joined by a yoke, used as a charge. [1560 70; bouget, var. of BUDGET] … Universalium
water bouget — noun 1. : a leather bag formerly used (as by a soldier) for carrying water and handled suspended one at each end of a pole or yoke 2. or water budget : a conventionalized representation of a pair of water bougets used as a heraldic charge … Useful english dictionary
water balance — vandens balansas statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Vandens pritekėjimo ir sunaudojimo elementų tam tikrame plote (vandeningoje sistemoje) kiekybinė išraiška (elementų algebrinė suma). Vandens pritekėjimo elementai yra šie:… … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Water supply and sanitation in the United States — is provided by towns and cities, public utilities that span several jurisdictions and rural cooperatives. About 15 million Americans are served by their own wells. Public water supply and sanitation systems are regulated by state level regulatory … Wikipedia
Water supply and sanitation in Honduras — Water supply systems which use gravity correspond to 93% of all constructed systems. Mixed and pump using systems correspond to 4.5%. The scattered rural population intensely depends on about 15,000 dug wells. [… … Wikipedia
Water supply and sanitation in India — continue to be inadequate, despite longstanding efforts by the various levels of government and communities at improving coverage. The situation is particularly inadequate for sanitation, since only one of three Indians has access to improved… … Wikipedia
Water supply and sanitation in Zambia — is characterized by wide discrepancies in access to an improved water source between urban (90%) and rural areas (40%), as well as limited service quality in urban areas. A reform process undertaken since 1989 in urban areas has been slow to… … Wikipedia
Water supply — is the process of self provision or provision by third parties of water of various qualities to different users. Irrigation is covered separately. Global access to waterIn 2004 about 3.5 billion people worldwide (54% of the global population) had … Wikipedia