- vestibule
- 1) вестибюль; передняя, прихожая; тамбур2) преддверие, внешний двор (в постройках Древней Греции и Рима)* * *вестибюль, холл
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
vestibule — [ vɛstibyl ] n. m. • 1509; vestible 1350; it. vestibulo ou vestibolo, du lat. vestibulum 1 ♦ Pièce d entrée (d un édifice, d une maison, d un appartement). ⇒ antichambre, entrée, hall. « le vestibule de son petit appartement de célibataire »… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Vestibule — or Vestibulum can have the following meanings, each primarily based upon a common origin, from early 17th century French, derived from Latin vestibulum, i n. entrance court .AnatomyIn general, vestibule is a small space or cavity at the beginning … Wikipedia
Vestibule — Ves ti*bule, n. [L. vestibulum, of uncertain origin: cf. F. vestibule.] The porch or entrance into a house; a hall or antechamber next the entrance; a lobby; a porch; a hall. [1913 Webster] {Vestibule of the ear}. (Anat.) See under {Ear}.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
vestibule — VESTIBULE. s. m. La piece du bastiment qui s offre la premiere à ceux qui entrent, & qui est un passage à toutes les autres. Un grand vestibule. un beau vestibule. il n entra pas dans la sale, il demeura dans le vestibule … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
Vestibule — Ves ti*bule, v. t. To furnish with a vestibule or vestibules. Brander Matthews. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
vestibule — m. vestibule … Diccionari Personau e Evolutiu
vestibule — [ves′tə byo͞ol΄] n. [Fr < L vestibulum, entrance hall] 1. a small entrance hall or room, either to a building or to a larger room ☆ 2. the enclosed passage between passenger cars of a train, with doors for entrance or exit 3. Anat. Zool. any… … English World dictionary
vestibule — index entrance Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
vestibule — (n.) 1620s, a porch, later antechamber, lobby (1730), from Fr. vestible, from L. vestibulum forecourt, entrance, of unknown origin … Etymology dictionary
vestibule — [n] small room for arrivals antechamber, anteroom, doorway, entrance, entrance hall, entry, entryway, foyer, gateway, hall, hallway, lobby, narthex, porch, portal, portico; concept 448 … New thesaurus
vestibule — ► NOUN 1) an antechamber or hall just inside the outer door of a building. 2) Anatomy a chamber or channel opening into another. DERIVATIVES vestibular adjective ( Anatomy ). ORIGIN Latin vestibulum entrance court … English terms dictionary