vent shaft

vent shaft
вентиляционная шахта; вытяжная труба
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вытяжная труба

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "vent shaft" в других словарях:

  • vent — Synonyms and related words: air, air duct, air hole, air passage, air shaft, air tube, airway, announce, aperture, armhole, articulate, articulation, assert, avenue, blow, blow out, blowhole, blurt out, break, break it to, break the news,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • vent — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. t. utter, express; let out, let off, emit, expel, discharge. n. ventilator, opening, airhole, air pipe, outlet, funnel; emission; blowhole; utterance, expression. See egress, disclosure, wind. II… …   English dictionary for students

  • shaft — Synonyms and related words: abysm, abyss, adit, air duct, air hole, air passage, air shaft, air tube, airway, antenna tower, arch, arrow, arrowhead, baluster, balustrade, banister, bank, barb, barbican, barbule, barrel, barrow, base, beam, belfry …   Moby Thesaurus

  • shaft — 1. noun 1) the shaft of a golf club Syn: pole, shank, stick, rod, staff; handle, hilt, stem 2) the shaft of a feather Syn: quill; Ornithology rachis 3) shafts of sunlight …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • shaft — noun 1) the shaft of a golf club Syn: pole, shank, stick, rod, staff, handle, stem 2) shafts of sunlight Syn: ray, beam, gleam, streak 3) …   Synonyms and antonyms dictionary

  • vent — 1. noun an air vent Syn: duct, flue, shaft, well, passage, airway; outlet, inlet, opening, aperture, hole, gap, orifice 2. verb the crowd vented their fury on the police Syn: release …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • vent — 1. noun an air vent Syn: outlet, inlet, opening, aperture, hole, gap, orifice, space, duct, flue, shaft, well, passage, airway 2. verb the crowd vented their fury Syn …   Synonyms and antonyms dictionary

  • Dead Vent 7 — Studio album by Single Cell Orchestra Released 1995 Genre Ambient Label …   Wikipedia

  • Lincoln Street Vent — Lincoln Street Ventilation Stack is located at 57 Lincoln Street, at its intersection with Smith Street, Highgate, Western Australia.HistoryThe Lincoln Street Ventilation Stack is a prominent landmark in Highgate, a suburb of Perth, Western… …   Wikipedia

  • Jack shaft — Jack Jack (j[a^]k), n. [F. Jacques James, L. Jacobus, Gr. ?, Heb. Ya aq[=o]b Jacob; prop., seizing by the heel; hence, a supplanter. Cf. {Jacobite}, {Jockey}.] [1913 Webster] 1. A familiar nickname of, or substitute for, John. [1913 Webster] You… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • air shaft — Synonyms and related words: air duct, air hole, air passage, air tube, airway, blowhole, breathing hole, louver, louverwork, naris, nostril, shaft, spilehole, spiracle, touchhole, transom, vent, ventage, venthole, ventiduct, ventilating shaft,… …   Moby Thesaurus

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