valveless pulse-jet method

valveless pulse-jet method
метод разработки грунта с использованием бесклапанных пульсирующих струйных двигателей

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "valveless pulse-jet method" в других словарях:

  • Valveless pulse jet — A Valveless pulse jet (or pulsejet) is one of the simplest jet propulsion devices ever designed, and is the simplest form of jet engine that does not require forward motion to run continuously. Valveless pulsejets are low in cost, light weight,… …   Wikipedia

  • Pulse jet engine — A pulse jet engine (or pulsejet) is a very simple form of internal combustion engine based jet engine where combustion occurs in pulses. A typical pulsejet comprises an air intake fitted with a one way valve, a combustion chamber, and an… …   Wikipedia

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