- bastile
- 1. замок с фортификационными укреплениями2. тюрьма3. сторожевая башня крепостной стены
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Bastile — Bas*tile Bastille Bas*tille (b[.a]s*t[=e]l or b[.a]s t[ e]l; 277), n. [F. bastille fortress, OF. bastir to build, F. b[^a]tir.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Feud. Fort.) A tower or an elevated work, used for the defense, or in the siege, of a fortified… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
bastile — Yorkshire Dialect Workhouse … English dialects glossary
bastile — 1) stabile 2) bestial … Anagrams dictionary
bastile — bas·tile … English syllables
bastile — n. prison or fortress, especially that of Paris (destroyed by revolutionaries, July 14, 1789) … Dictionary of difficult words
bastile — I. noun see bastille I II. transitive verb see bastille II … Useful english dictionary
Bastille — Bastile Bas*tile Bastille Bas*tille (b[.a]s*t[=e]l or b[.a]s t[ e]l; 277), n. [F. bastille fortress, OF. bastir to build, F. b[^a]tir.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Feud. Fort.) A tower or an elevated work, used for the defense, or in the siege, of a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Feargus O'Connor — Feargus Edward O Connor (1794 ndash; August 30, 1855) was an Irish Chartist leader and advocate of the Land Plan. Background Born into an Irish Protestant family, the son of Irish Nationalist politician Roger O Connor (1762 1834) and nephew of… … Wikipedia
Gare De La Bastille — La gare de la Bastile vers 1985 Localisation Pays France Ville Paris Adresse … Wikipédia en Français
Gare de la Bastille — La gare de la Bastile vers 1985 Localisation Pays France Ville Paris Adresse … Wikipédia en Français
Gare de la bastille — La gare de la Bastile vers 1985 Localisation Pays France Ville Paris Adresse … Wikipédia en Français