- usage factor
- коэффициент одновременности
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Factor of safety — See also: safety factor (plasma physics) Factor of safety (FoS), also known as safety factor (SF), is a term describing the structural capacity of a system beyond the expected loads or actual loads. Essentially, how much stronger the system is… … Wikipedia
Factor base — In computational number theory, the factor base is a mathematical tool commonly used in, as its name suggests, integer factorization algorithms, more specifically algorithms involving extensive sieving of potential factors. Usage The factor base… … Wikipedia
factor VIII — noun a coagulation factor (trade name Hemofil) whose absence is associated with hemophilia A • Syn: ↑antihemophilic factor, ↑antihaemophilic factor, ↑antihemophilic globulin, ↑antihaemophilic globulin, ↑Hemofil • Usage Domain: ↑trade name … Useful english dictionary
factor of safety — i. A design factor used to provide for the possibility of loads greater than those assumed, and for uncertainties in design and fabrication. (ICAO). In aircraft design, the margin of strength against loads greater than the limit load normally 1.5 … Aviation dictionary
Two-factor authentication — (TFA, T FA or 2FA) is an approach to authentication which requires the presentation of two different kinds of evidence that someone is who they say they are. It is a part of the broader family of multi factor authentication, which is a defense in … Wikipedia
Decline of library usage — As technology becomes increasingly available and digital information expands on a daily basis, academic library use is on the decline. Research libraries on college and university campuses are finding that “gate counts and circulation of… … Wikipedia
Crop factor — The outer, red box displays what a 24×36 mm sensor would see, the inner, blue box displays what a 15×23 mm sensor would see. (The actual image circle of most lenses designed for 35 mm SLR format would extend further beyond the red box than shown… … Wikipedia
K-factor — Telecommunications= In telecommunication, the term k factor has the following meanings: 1. In tropospheric radio propagation, the ratio of the effective Earth radius to the actual Earth radius. Note: The k factor is approximately 4/3. 2. In… … Wikipedia
Leukemia inhibitory factor receptor — LIFR also known as CD118 (Cluster of Differentiation 118), is a subunit of a receptor for leukemia inhibitory factor. PBB Summary section title = summary text = The leukemia inhibitory factor is a polyfunctional cytokine that affects the… … Wikipedia
Computer form factor — For computers form factors both larger and smaller than desktop personal computers, see list of computer size categories. In computing, a form factor specifies the physical dimensions of major system components. Specifically, in the IBM PC… … Wikipedia
Wife acceptance factor — ou Woman Acceptance Factor (Waf) désigne le niveau de compatibilité d un objet avec une personne du sexe féminin. Créé dans les années 1990, le sigle s est peu à peu imposé jusqu’à devenir en 2009 un véritable sigle commercial utilisé par de… … Wikipédia en Français