- up-feed heating system
- система отопления с нижней разводкой
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
heating — I Process of raising the temperature of an enclosed space. Heat can be delivered by convection, radiation, and thermal conduction. With the exception of the ancient Romans, who developed a form of central heating, most cultures relied on direct… … Universalium
District heating — Biomass fired district heating power plant in Mödling, Austria … Wikipedia
Central heating — unit A central heating system provides warmth to the whole interior of a building (or portion of a building) from one point to multiple rooms. When combined with other systems in order to control the building climate, the whole system may be a… … Wikipedia
Underfloor heating — Heat can be provided by circulating heated water or by electric cable, mesh, or film heaters.Underfloor heating can be used with concrete and wooden floors, with all types of floor covering (e.g., stone, tile, wood, vinyl, and carpet), and at… … Wikipedia
Fernald Feed Materials Production Center — The Fernald Feed Materials Production Center (commonly referred to simply as Fernald) was a uranium processing facility located near the rural town of Fernald, in Hamilton County, Ohio, about 20 miles northwest of Cincinnati, which fabricated… … Wikipedia
Formation and evolution of the Solar System — Artist s conception of a protoplanetary disk The formation and evolution of the Solar System is estimated to have begun 4.568 billion years ago with the gravitational collapse of a small part of a giant molecular cloud … Wikipedia
Distribution mangagement system — SCADA systems have been a part of utility automation for at least 15 years and contributing to the decision making process of the control rooms. However, majority of the existing solutions are closely related to distribution network data… … Wikipedia
Construction of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System — The construction of the Trans Alaska Pipeline System was a massive undertaking involving tens of thousands of people often in extreme temperatures and conditions. Specialized construction techniques were pioneered to build the pipeline, most of… … Wikipedia
система отопления с верхней разводкой — — [А.С.Гольдберг. Англо русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.] Тематики энергетика в целом EN down feed heating system … Справочник технического переводчика
Low-temperature thermal desorption — NOTE: This article is largely taken verbatim from the EPA s How to Evaluate Alternative Cleanup Technologies for Underground Storage Tank Sites . cite web last = first = authorlink = coauthors = date = url = http://www.epa.gov/OUST/cat/lttd.htm… … Wikipedia
Solar energy — is the light and radiant heat from the Sun that powers Earth s climate and weather and sustains life. Since ancient times it has been harnessed for human use through a range of technologies. Solar radiation along with secondary solar resources… … Wikipedia